BWCA Wabakimi Area Planning Maps Boundary Waters Group Forum: Wabakimi
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   Group Forum: Wabakimi
      Wabakimi Area Planning Maps     



03/03/2019 07:58PM  
Wabakimi area planning maps (36" x 37") are available for $50.00 plus shipping from Barry at . These large and detailed maps cover Wabakimi Provincal Park as well as the surrounding crown lands and depict known canoe routes. The maps are the result of 15 years of Wabakimi Project canoe trips in this vast wilderness. These are the most accurate and detailed maps available of this premier wilderness canoeing destination.
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distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/05/2019 02:14AM  
Barry asked me to mention to all Friends of Wabakimi (FOW) members at the show, the FOW Annual meeting starts promptly at: Sunday March 10th, 2019 at 9:15am
Location: Clarion Suites at the Alliant Energy Center - Voyageur Room

It will be a great opportunity for those who are not members to sign up, be a part of what we're doing and also a great opportunity to see Barry and the rest of the crew about maps, map booklets and route planning tips.
distinguished member(609)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/06/2019 04:31PM  
Is the large map the one that was on display in years past? If so, I would like one.
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/06/2019 06:19PM  
Yes but it's updated and improved. They say it comes in 3 flavours too... but I'm not certain about that.
03/06/2019 07:36PM  
Portage99: "Is the large map the one that was on display in years past? If so, I would like one. "

This version of the planning map is slightly smaller at 36 x37" as opposed to the first version which was 41 x 43" but has all the detail of the first version. We will have 30 available minus about 3-4 which have been pre-sold. See you at the show Amy.
04/07/2019 06:17PM  
There are less than 10 planning maps remaining for sale. It is unlikely another print run will take place this year. They can be ordered thru the Friends of Wabakimi (FOW) website using the map book order form marking it to note a planning map is being ordered. They will be shipped rolled and cost $50.00 each plus shipping at $20.00. FOW will not have a booth at the Midwest Mountaineering Expo in Minneapolis later this month.
04/14/2019 03:03PM  
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