BWCA NAP on wabakimi project maps Boundary Waters Group Forum: Wabakimi
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      NAP on wabakimi project maps     
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member (49)member
03/16/2019 06:56PM  
I'm sure I'll hit my forehead and say "duh", but I'm planning my trip for late May early June and near some of the portages on the Wabakimi project maps are the letters NAP instead of a distance number. What does NAP stand for?

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distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/16/2019 07:48PM  
Maybe 'Not a Portage' but look in the front of the booklet for a key.
In the meantime, I'll check with the mapmaker.

member (25)member
03/16/2019 08:36PM  
If my memory is correct: "No Apparent Portage"
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/17/2019 04:59AM  
From Barry our mapmaker...

NAP. No apparent portage. Meaning something is there but probably over grown and hard to find. The old Nipgon section sheets would have the information but we couldn’t find it in the field. This probably is an area we would line the gear


Barry and Phil on Dawn River in 2007. No apparent portage, we lined it and paddled up the stream.

member (49)member
03/17/2019 08:17AM  
Thanks. "no actual portage" popped into my brain last night when I was thinking about it, so I wasn't too far off.
03/17/2019 10:06AM  
goatroti: " From Barry our mapmaker...

NAP. No apparent portage. Meaning something is there but probably over grown and hard to find. The old Nipgon section sheets would have the information but we couldn’t find it in the field. This probably is an area we would line the gear


Barry and Phil on Dawn River in 2007. No apparent portage, we lined it and paddled up the stream.


Aw c'mon, it's right there up that slick rock slope, through those blow downs.... :)
03/17/2019 06:14PM  
On many, many trips with Uncle Phil if he could not find the portage it probably wasn't there. On the other hand there were times Phil would flag a new portage and at the end turn around and there would be old blazes. He really had a"feel" for where the early travelers placed portages.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/18/2019 11:26AM  
Wabawho: "I'm sure I'll hit my forehead and say "duh", but I'm planning my trip for late May early June and near some of the portages on the Wabakimi project maps are the letters NAP instead of a distance number. What does NAP stand for?


You are a smart man! You asked the question before departure. Image if you had not and assumed something else. It would have been a hell of a trip!!

distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/18/2019 12:35PM  
Where are you headed? There are few of us on this site who have done over 50 trips in total in the Wabakimi area. We might be able to give some assistance.
member (49)member
03/19/2019 04:28PM  
From Allenwater bridge down the Allenwater river to Brennan lake and then back down the Nemo river to Redhead lake. Train in - Train out. Have been to Wabakimi before, but never done this particular route, so any comments on things to see or avoid appreciated. Thanks
03/21/2019 02:17PM  
Sounds great!
Are you planning to come south through Jeep or go all the way to Granite and then down?
EDIT: I missed the Nemo River reference.
03/21/2019 09:17PM  
Sounds like a great trip! I always want to get back to Wabakimi at some point.
03/23/2019 10:10PM  
Am pretty sure NAP is Portugese for: 'take saw and lining rope'....
member (25)member
03/24/2019 08:49AM  
Wabawho, I was on a Project trip in 2010 with "Uncle" Phil that traveled from the resort at Allanwater Bridge down to Termite Lake during the first week of June. This was our second week on the trail and we had paddled to the resort from the NW, so we didn't use the train. I remember that there were about ten portages on the river from the resort to Termite Lk. They were easy to find and only needed minor cleaning. The most memorable part of that trip was the great fishing below the falls at the south end of Termite Lk.! The river splits and goes around both sides of a large island-the portage crosses the island. The west channel had a small amount of water flowing; however, the east channel is a spectacular chasm with a scenic series of waterfalls. Below these falls was great Northern and Pickerell fishing! One of our party caught the biggest Northern that I have ever seen caught on six lb. test line! Luckily, we were fishing from the shoreline and not from a canoe! We spent two nights at the very spacious camping area below the falls on the west shore, across from the falls and island. Also, very interesting round boulders and swirl holes at the bottom of the west channel. The resident Bald Eagles watched our fishing. Have a great trip!
member (49)member
03/26/2019 01:41PM  
rtallent: "Am pretty sure NAP is Portugese for: 'take saw and lining rope'...."
member (49)member
03/26/2019 01:54PM  
Thanks BV,
I'll definitely have to check out that waterfall. It sounds like the trip will have quite a few portages on the way north and back south. We have 8 days, so there won't be a lot of layover. We can always cut it short by going west to east via Windfall instead of Brennan lake if needed.
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