BWCA Waters Beneath My Feet Boundary Waters Group Forum: Book Club
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   Group Forum: Book Club
      Waters Beneath My Feet     



03/29/2019 05:55PM  
I thought I’d let you know about my uncle’s book. It is an incredible book about an incredible adventure!

"Hold on, I think I can get in without getting my feet wet."....SPLASH...
03/30/2019 07:05AM  
Woah... I think I'll read this one! Thanks. This sounds Beav worthy.

03/31/2019 07:41AM  
Wow, didn't know I had a relative of a celebrity at my wing nite at the Beacon ;-)
I'll have to get this book.
distinguished member (386)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/17/2019 10:26AM  
Thank you for recommending this book! I devoured it! Amazing!
12/18/2019 11:48AM  
distinguished member(1457)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/19/2019 08:01AM  
re-supplying for something like this would be a gargantuan task in itself, never mind the trip itself
12/19/2019 08:31AM  
ZaraSp00k: "re-supplying for something like this would be a gargantuan task in itself, never mind the trip itself"

I'd love to get Jerry on this forum and see what he would do differently in hindsight. He was 25 years old when starting the trip. With age comes wisdom.
distinguished member(1457)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/29/2020 08:36AM  
I finally finished this, he mentions in the book a number of times he made the wrong choice.
I've paddled on the Mississippi when it is flooded, encountered barges, bad people, ... IMO, he worst choice, and maybe most dangerous, was paddling the Mississippi.
03/26/2020 10:11PM  
In the middle of this one now. I'm enjoying his writings very much.
04/04/2020 08:09AM  

Your uncles book is making its way through Alaska. After I read it I sent it to one of my friends there with instructions to send it to another Alaska buddy.
When he is done, he is to pass it along to one of his friends, and so-on.

04/14/2020 11:09AM  
I finished this a couple weeks ago. Absolutely loved reading Jerry's adventure. My favorite part was his second winter spent in Canada. It was interesting to hear how he passed the time. I would love a follow up - what Jerry did immediately after, why he chose to stay in Nome, and how he's been spending his days since his trip.
04/14/2020 09:03PM  
Aldy1: "I finished this a couple weeks ago. Absolutely loved reading Jerry's adventure. My favorite part was his second winter spent in Canada. It was interesting to hear how he passed the time. I would love a follow up - what Jerry did immediately after, why he chose to stay in Nome, and how he's been spending his days since his trip. "

Apparently there will be a 2nd book fairly soon. I too wonder about the native girl who had a crush on him for that winter in the cabin. I wonder if they ever met again? There is a facebook page for the book and she has posted on it.
04/15/2020 08:34AM  
I sent the book to my buddy in Alaska, we have paddled together a few times.
He is native Alaskan, here is his response to the book, and Jerry Pushcar.

"Was a great read, what perseverance, or pure lack of common sense"
04/15/2020 09:28AM  
Good to know, I'll check that FB group out. I also wondered about Molly. It was sad when he left that spring. I was so immersed in the book it felt like I lost a chance at love too!
04/15/2020 10:58AM  
Aldy1: "Good to know, I'll check that FB group out. I also wondered about Molly. It was sad when he left that spring. I was so immersed in the book it felt like I lost a chance at love too!"

Right? I almost expected to find out that he eventually married her. :)
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