BWCA Marmot Limelight 3 Question. Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Marmot Limelight 3 Question.     



distinguished member(706)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/30/2019 01:39PM  
Looking at tents and we really like the roomy feel of the Marmot Limelight 3. Reading the reviews however; a lot of them say it leaks. Is this simply a matter of seam sealer, or is it something more with the design or material used? Wondering if any owners could chime in with their first hand experience?
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03/30/2019 06:01PM  
I have the exact same tent, it has not been in alot of rain storms but it has been in a few long hard soakers and it never leaked.
In fact, I chose it due to it's ability to shed water. Again it has not seen alot of rain but I am suprised that the reviews you mention say it leaks.
Its a great tent IMHO.
distinguished member (153)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/30/2019 07:45PM  
I've had a Limelight 2 for about 8 years, and it has been a great tent for me, however, it hasn't been in too many soaking rain storms.
distinguished member(638)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/30/2019 08:36PM  
I too have the 3 and have been through many serious downpours without ever a leak...
distinguished member(915)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/31/2019 04:37AM  
A good friend of mine has the Limelight 4 and has brought it on several BWCA trips with no issues. Orange tent in the background:
03/31/2019 07:13AM  
The quality of anonymous online reviews is being put to a test!

sleepnbag, I don't know where the reviews were but this is a reason I put such little consideration into them. A user dedicated forum like this is so much better/honest in opinions. And often list much more thorough description of an items failure point.
I do not own a Limelight, have looked and crawled in some. Looks like a fine, spacious, strong tent.

distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/31/2019 08:37AM  
I have a Limelight 3 but it's the model that was marketed before this new 2019. Regarding my model, some reviews complained about the fly not extending all the way to the ground and in heavy rains, the raindrops would 'bounce' off the ground and some would eventually pool into the tent. I ignored those complaints and purchased it anyway. I've not encountered that problem, ever. It's been a perfect performer for me. I love Limelight 3 and pack it for solos. For that reason, I believe it to be a 2 adults + tiny human/or dog capacity tent--not 3 persons.
Buy it. Set it up. Hose it down. If it leaks send it back/returns dept or storefront (REI). Do this in a reasonable amount of time after purchase and it'll be a win-win.
Otherwise, seam seal the underside of fly seams. This current 2019 model is basically an attempt to remedy that 'spashing' gripe. The model I have has a bit more fabric on walls but in different pattern. And it's orange.
I am now spoiled with having a tent with the sewn-in window on the fly.

distinguished member(4978)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/31/2019 04:29PM  
I have a Limelight 3 and its about 10 years old.. I noticed the seam tape had degraded a bit last summer so I refreshed the seam seal.

It's never leaked. Mind you its an older model. The worst calamity I had was losing the top cross pole that gives the tent its boxy shape.. And Marmot sent another quickly
03/31/2019 04:34PM  
mjmkjun: "I have a Limelight 3 but it's the model that was marketed before this new 2019.
I am now spoiled with having a tent with the sewn-in window on the fly.


Yep, that window was a big selling point with me, I was glad to have it in Alaska, I wanted to see what species of bear was sizing me up :-)
03/31/2019 06:01PM  
I have an older 3 and a new 4. The 3 has been through some heavy storms and week long soakers. Never a single leak. The 4 was used for a week last September with rain every day. No leaks there, either. These are wonderful tents.
distinguished member (350)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/31/2019 06:48PM  
Hi: I have both the current and former version of the Limelight 3P and have spent over 100 days in each tent. Neither tent has ever leaked and they have both been through some heavy rain.

One negative of the current 3P is that when you unzip the fly it falls directly into the doorway. Otherwise I think it is a great tent, very well made, plenty of interior room and snug. I plan on buy another!
distinguished member(706)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/31/2019 07:09PM  
Thanks for all of the feedback everyone!
distinguished member (370)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/31/2019 09:27PM  
I have the previous generation Limelight 3. I use it when my wife and I camp together. I chose it for its sturdy construction, and it has held up well in rain and windstorms. For solo trips I use the Tungsten 2. Same great construction, still plenty roomy, and a pound and a half lighter.
distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2019 06:44AM  
LindenTree: "
mjmkjun: "I have a Limelight 3 but it's the model that was marketed before this new 2019.
I am now spoiled with having a tent with the sewn-in window on the fly.


Yep, that window was a big selling point with me, I was glad to have it in Alaska, I wanted to see what species of bear was sizing me up :-)"

Turns out, you are more fierce than the average firefighter, Mr Lindy. Glad you made it out of AK in one piece. Yep.
I'm hoping to be the first to get a non-blurry shot of Bigfoot through my lil' window. With all the hi-techie equipment on the market these days it seems no one can land a clear photo. ha! Wish me luck!
(sorry for hi-jack, sleepnbag. Couldn't resist the humor.)
04/06/2023 09:49AM  
I have a Marmot Limelight 3P (2018) it did very well in rain for the first two years in the BWCA. The next two trips I had a tarp over it just to provide some dry space around the tent, not for rain leaks. Consequently, I can't comment on rain proofness for the last two years. Unfortunately, I slightly damaged the rainfly drying it post last trip and then for the rainfly repair, I washed it, patched the very slight damaged spots, water and solar proofed it with the recommended NIKWAX array of products. The patches don't leak but now I have very slight leaks where the plastic pole clips touch the inside of the rainfly, no apparent leaks at other areas of the fly. Seems like the pressure where clip and fly meet allow water to wick through the rainfly. Any suggestions?
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