BWCA Trip Report - May/ June 12-Day YouTube Slide show, Entered at Kawishiwi Lake Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - May/ June 12-Day YouTube Slide show, Entered at Kawishiwi Lake     



06/21/2019 08:28AM  
New Trip Report posted by ghamer

Trip Name: May/ June 12-Day YouTube Slide show, Entered at Kawishiwi Lake.

Entry Point: 37

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06/21/2019 08:36AM  
Here is a direct link to the slide show:

YouTube Spring 2019 Trip
06/21/2019 10:38AM  
Another great slide show, Gary. I've been in that EP several times in various directions and been most of the places you went, so very nostalgic.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/21/2019 06:02PM  
Great slide show Gary!

It speaks to your prowess as a photographer that you were able to make the guest'r not look like a complete 'dork'. ;-)

It certainly was a highlight of my trip to have you guys pull up. I enjoyed our visit, and it sure warmed my heart on what was a cold, dreary morning. It was neat to see a different perspective on some commonly covered territory. Thanks for sharing!
Guest Paddler
06/21/2019 06:04PM  
Wonderful, Thank you.
06/21/2019 08:51PM  
Fantastic as always! Thank you
06/22/2019 06:58AM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "Great slide show Gary!

It speaks to your prowess as a photographer that you were able to make the guest'r not look like a complete 'dork'. ;-)

It certainly was a highlight of my trip to have you guys pull up. I enjoyed our visit, and it sure warmed my heart on what was a cold, dreary morning. It was neat to see a different perspective on some commonly covered territory. Thanks for sharing!"

We enjoyed the visit as well! I hope you weren't watching too closely as we paddled away... instead of going straight to the portage, as intended, we ended up in the bay SE of the portage... I guess we're the 'dorks' :-)

Yes, that was a cold, dreary morning... fortunately the weather improved from that point.
06/22/2019 02:07PM  
Beautiful! Can't wait for our September trip now.....
06/22/2019 04:54PM  
Wow is all I can say. The beaver Adams boulder to little sag is one of
My favorite. Been through make a 3 times and have yet to see that black wall! How much weight is just your camera gear?
06/22/2019 06:12PM  
Thanks everyone for watching and commenting!

Mocha - We really enjoyed that part of the route too! I should know what my camera gear weighs... but don't. The camera bag I carry is also my day pack so I have extra stuff in it... it's about 32 lbs. I expect the camera gear is around 20 of that.
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