BWCA LMB in Quetico Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      LMB in Quetico     



07/23/2019 10:22AM  
I am doing a 15 day loop in the first half of September and would like to catch a largemouth. I will be going through Brent Lake and other lakes in that area. Can anyone put me onto a lake that has largemouth? I don’t need your secret spot but a little help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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senior member (54)senior membersenior member
07/23/2019 12:25PM  
James and Gratton are both good lakes for LMB in that area. I caught a largemouth in Conmee a couple years ago as well. Not known as a largemouth lake, but they're in there.
distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/23/2019 01:39PM  
Paulene has largemouth as well.
07/23/2019 06:20PM  
Berniece off of Poohbah, no name lake south west of Berniece,
07/23/2019 06:46PM  
Paulene as mentioned, Ballard off of Darky, the shallower area of elk (northern Bay),
The 2 lakes in between Brent and Suzanette to the east of the northern bay of central Brent, Newt and little Newt. Probably a lot of others but that’s been my success personally.

senior member (62)senior membersenior member
07/23/2019 09:41PM  
I can vouch for those two lakes east of Brent. One is a short bushwack in, but worth the effort.
member (5)member
07/24/2019 10:28AM  
Johnh: "I am doing a 15 day loop in the first half of September and would like to catch a largemouth. I will be going through Brent Lake and other lakes in that area. Can anyone put me onto a lake that has largemouth? I don’t need your secret spot but a little help would be appreciated. Thanks."

Definitely hit Paulene. My wife did catch one largemouth on Brent earlier this month.
07/25/2019 09:31AM  
Thank you, anglers. You are the best. I have the lakes marked on my map with an “L” and will get to a bunch of them. Hopefully I can post a photo of a fattie.
distinguished member (458)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/25/2019 10:11AM  
In addition to all the responses by members, this is a good reference: Quetico Fishes by E. J. Crossman, 1976. I don't know if there are additional, more updated published references but this is a good start. Found a website for free download. Crossman's Quetico Fishes
07/26/2019 09:37PM  
September North Bay/Basswood lmb

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