BWCA List of errant portage locations on maps Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      List of errant portage locations on maps     
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member (8)member
08/08/2019 09:50PM  
Does anybody maintain a list of errant portage locations on maps? Would be nice to check against Fisher/McKenzie/GPS maps before trips....
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08/09/2019 12:33AM  
Get the Chrismar Map. The locations are not 100% accurate but damn close. By far the best reference for portage location.
distinguished member(2470)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/09/2019 05:49AM  
+1 on what Banks said. I take the Chrismar before my trip and verify or change the portage locations on my Fisher maps. Learned that the hard way going up to Sarah via Point and Nest. Wound up in hip deep mud before I checked Chrismar and saw that the portage had been moved from what Fisher showed.
08/09/2019 06:34AM  
Just get the latest Chrismar map and then before your trip compare your route to both set of maps and defer to the Chrismar. It is a small scale map but works great to carry as a back up.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/09/2019 06:43AM  
Dango - I've never heard of anyone doing this. I have had my outfitter tell me and mark changes and corrections on my maps. Can't hurt to ask if you use an outfitter.

Also, I learned that even Chrismar is not infallible. I went with a 3-year old Chrismar and found four portages that had been moved in the interim. When I returned to the ranger station, I found that even the newer edition was behind, two of the four on wrong side of a creek, but they had it posted in ranger station.

It cost us some time, but it doesn't bother me - all part of the adventure. But if it bothers you, they have (that trip at least) a marked up latest edition Chrismar posted with both changes and some portage conditions.
member (8)member
08/09/2019 04:08PM  
Is the Chrismar map the same as the official park map that the rangers sell?

The official map I use is one of the old school official park maps made of Tyvek. It has never led me astray.

08/09/2019 04:51PM  
Chrismar is the old-school map. No longer on Tyvek, some other form of waterproof paper. There's been a couple of new portages carved out since the tyvek era issue (I too still have it- I think it's the 98 issue).
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/09/2019 09:24PM  
dango: "Is the Chrismar map the same as the official park map that the rangers sell?

The official map I use is one of the old school official park maps made of Tyvek. It has never led me astray. "

Yes, the Chrismar is the map sold at the ranger stations.

Ahhhh, the old Tyvek Quetico map... I have one of those from probably 25 years ago or so. I have it saved in a tube and bring it out once in a while.
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