BWCA Helicopter over Buckingham Lake Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Helicopter over Buckingham Lake     



distinguished member (243)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/11/2019 08:19PM  
We were camped on Buckingham Lake this past Wednesday 8/7 when a helicopter went roaring over our campsite at about 1030 pm. We were in the tent playing cards so we didn't see it, but it had to be pretty low based on the noise level. Anyone have any idea what it was doing out there? Thanks...
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08/11/2019 09:07PM  
Could it be the one that responded to the incident at Basswood Falls.......that was late wed night. Could it have come out of Atikokan? Do the Canadiens respond to US emergencies?
distinguished member (243)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/13/2019 09:37PM  
cowdoc: "Could it be the one that responded to the incident at Basswood Falls.......that was late wed night. Could it have come out of Atikokan? Do the Canadiens respond to US emergencies?"

Yeah I thought about that, but it doesn't seem like the right flight path. Will forever be a mystery I guess.
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