BWCA Duex River Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Duex River     



member (5)member
08/20/2019 11:55AM  
Does anyone know what is water level of Duex River between Twin Lakes and Sturgeon Lake? Thanks.
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distinguished member(2546)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2019 03:33PM  
Check with the local beaver population. They monitor it daily and adjust levels as needed.
member (22)member
08/22/2019 10:51AM  
I am a very special honorary member of the Duex River beaver population, however they are not returning my phone calls. Thanks for the update on Duex River.
senior member (60)senior membersenior member
08/27/2019 12:48PM  
We passed through that route on Aug. 3 and again on Aug. 10 while heading back to Stanton Bay. Over the span of a week water levels had dropped in the river a few inches but still leaving about 2 ft. of water throughout much of the reach downstream of the first dam you encounter. Heading downstream going in we dragged over the dams but on the way back a week later we found it easier to pull around the shoreline off of the ends of the dams. I'm unsure if the area has received much rain since then to bring up levels but I would suggest calling the Atikokan Park Office (807-597-2735) as I did for a more recent water level report.
distinguished member(2546)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/28/2019 10:47PM  
Buckhart2: "I am a very special honorary member of the Duex River beaver population, however they are not returning my phone calls. Thanks for the update on Duex River. "

Its an ‘a gnawing’ problem.
member (5)member
09/01/2019 07:19AM  
Thank you for your input
member (5)member
09/01/2019 07:20AM  
I know what you mean at 74 years old I do allot of "gnawing"
member (10)member
09/03/2019 09:46PM  
Best bet is to check with the park office right before you go. There were reports of it being in good shape as of a week or so ago, but obviously things up there can change quick. It sounds as though there was good snow melt and it had been fairly wet in August. I go in on the 17th and am hoping to get down the Deux as well ????
distinguished member (149)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/12/2019 08:53PM  
No worries there. Just came out yesterday & 3 beaver dams are the only issue... plenty of water.
09/13/2019 12:31PM  
There is so much water in the park right now you can probably go anywhere. It is so bad I had to paddle the last 50 yards of the Beaverhouse portage because the beaver pond had overflown. Claire Creek which is normally a problem at this time of year had over 4 feet of water. You can blame constant rain and cold weather for this anomaly.
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