BWCA Possible loop? Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Possible loop?     
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09/19/2019 02:10AM  
Contemplating Agnes, Louisa, up through Glacier and McEwan to the Maligne, then back down through the Man Chain.

Anybody done this? How long did it take you? I'd have 10 days or so.
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09/19/2019 02:40AM  
I did this loop as a 10 day solo in 2002, but I started at Cache Bay traveling in the opposite direction. Highly recommend it. Mine was a June trip meeting very few people except at Prairie Portage. Later in summer is likely to be busier. My trip report is "SE Quetico Solo 2002". The Agnes to McEwen section was unexpectedly wonderful, but the whole loop is grand. I was 50 in 2002 and found it a moderate challenge. Now it would be pretty rough on me.
distinguished member(2470)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/19/2019 07:02AM  
Yes definitely doable. I did it with my wife and daughter a few years ago. Took us 7 days/6 nights, and we didn't get to PP until after lunch. I'd consider going the other direction if only to avoid carrying your stuff up the Louisa falls portage.
09/19/2019 08:06AM  
My 3AM brain was not working well. My loop trip was in the same direction as you propose, just started at a different place in the loop.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/19/2019 08:14AM  
My favorite loop. PP-Falls Chain to Wet-through McEwen Chain-Louisa-Agnes-Meadows. 6 nights. I hope to do again but bush whack the old route from Glacier to Louisa.
distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/19/2019 09:17AM  
This is a nice loop and have done it several times. Launching at Moose Lake without a tow, can easily make it to Louisa first day. To Glacier easily in a half day, up the upper part of the Falls Chain and across Dead Man's Portage a third day, then two easy days down the Man Chain and back to Moose. Add in a couple of layover days and got it made. Beware of the wind on Bayley Bay.
09/19/2019 09:20AM  
Beautiful loop. Ten days more than enough time to linger.

Just back from Louisa and spent a fair amount of time poking into all corners of the lake. Could not find any evidence of the portage to Glacier. I think it was a "Fisher Fantasy" and never really existed- possibly a winter trail but I doubt it. Lots of old cedar along the shore near the purported takeout. I think blazes would likely still be evident.
distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/19/2019 09:32AM  
Banksiana, the long portage from NE Louisa to the south end of Glacier is on my old maps from the 1960's, but on none of my more recent maps, so long gone.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/20/2019 07:14AM  
Bushwhack. I figure it would be a long day but short mileage. The stream is the outflow of Glacier isn't it?
distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/20/2019 10:16PM  
1. My recollection is that Glacier Lake flows out northward out the north end.

2. Looking at the old maps shows that the portage from Louisa to Glacier goes out the far NE end of Louisa, has a small pot hole lake soon thereafter, then a fairly long portage to the south end of Glacier. Probably was there for loggers.
Having done the string of modest modern portages, I find them scenic and enjoyable anyway.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/21/2019 07:43AM  
True enough. Star and Arp were especially pleasant.
09/21/2019 10:07AM  
Banksiana: "DWG-
Beautiful loop. Ten days more than enough time to linger.

Just back from Louisa and spent a fair amount of time poking into all corners of the lake. Could not find any evidence of the portage to Glacier. I think it was a "Fisher Fantasy" and never really existed- possibly a winter trail but I doubt it. Lots of old cedar along the shore near the purported takeout. I think blazes would likely still be evident."

15 years ago I looked for it no luck
distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/21/2019 04:41PM  
I found my old map. Sorry it is so blurry, but it successfully ran Little Falls, so not truly apologetic. It shows the portage connections from NE Louisa to the south end of Glacier Lake. Actually two modest portages and pot hole lakes with one LONG portage into Glacier from Camp or Gamp looks like very long.
I truly think this is an old logging road and not a canoeist route and doubt it even is passable anymore.
distinguished member (116)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/21/2019 06:45PM  
Did this trip in 2013. It was my first trip to the Quetico. Many others have followed. Great trip. Loved the Man Chain and the return through Glacier, etc.

Check out the trip report if you are interested.

Wyoming Paddlers' Adventure
09/21/2019 07:36PM  
wyopaddler: "Did this trip in 2013. It was my first trip to the Quetico. Many others have followed. Great trip. Loved the Man Chain and the return through Glacier, etc.

Check out the trip report if you are interested.

Wyoming Paddlers' Adventure "

The Man chain is absolutely beautiful.
09/24/2019 01:33AM  
Eyedocron: "I found my old map. Sorry it is so blurry, but it successfully ran Little Falls, so not truly apologetic. It shows the portage connections from NE Louisa to the south end of Glacier Lake. Actually two modest portages and pot hole lakes with one LONG portage into Glacier from Camp or Gamp looks like very long.
I truly think this is an old logging road and not a canoeist route and doubt it even is passable anymore. "

Not a logging road as this area of the park wasn't logged and there would be nowhere to go at either end of the "road". Possibly a winter trail (for trapping). I first looked for these portages in the eighties but even then I believe they were "Fisher fantasies" (Like the long portage from the south end of Marge towards Sarah) and were never viable routes.
09/24/2019 08:51AM  
Banksiana: "
Eyedocron: "I found my old map. Sorry it is so blurry, but it successfully ran Little Falls, so not truly apologetic. It shows the portage connections from NE Louisa to the south end of Glacier Lake. Actually two modest portages and pot hole lakes with one LONG portage into Glacier from Camp or Gamp looks like very long.
I truly think this is an old logging road and not a canoeist route and doubt it even is passable anymore. "

Not a logging road as this area of the park wasn't logged and there would be nowhere to go at either end of the "road". Possibly a winter trail (for trapping). I first looked for these portages in the eighties but even then I believe they were "Fisher fantasies" (Like the long portage from the south end of Marge towards Sarah) and were never viable routes."

+1 That is correct.
09/24/2019 08:52AM  
dogwoodgirl: "Contemplating Agnes, Louisa, up through Glacier and McEwan to the Maligne, then back down through the Man Chain.

Anybody done this? How long did it take you? I'd have 10 days or so."

10 days is plenty of time to enjoy that route. It can also be done in 4 days if you travel light and like some longer days.
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