BWCA Have you read Mina Hubbard? Boundary Waters Group Forum: Book Club
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   Group Forum: Book Club
      Have you read Mina Hubbard?     



distinguished member(914)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/20/2019 02:01PM  
Awhile back, I read a book about the remarkable journey taken by Mina Hubbard in 1905, with her deceased husband's Cree/Scots guide, George Elson. With the discussion on an unrelated thread about compasses being a useless item, I recalled stories about Elson's remarkable guiding abilities that Mina talks about in her book. The book is filled with information and some humor as well (imagine walking in the taiga and tundra with a long skirt). The First Nations people on her expedition had a name for the swirling eddies that disrupt balance if you stare down at rushing water, then suddenly look up (you'll fall and potentially be swept away - Mina was swiftly saved from this type of fate, hence the writing about it).

If you're looking for some winter reading, maybe you'd enjoy these:

Great Heart (tells the story of the adventure)

Mina's book (1905)

More background reading on Mina Hubbard
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12/20/2019 08:15PM  
Both good books, as are Dillon Wallace’s two books about the first expedition with Leonids Hubbard and his (Wallace) second [rival] expedition. I read great heart first, but most enjoyed the first person narratives of the others.
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