BWCA Summer 2019 Trip Boundary Waters Group Forum: Trip Partner Finder
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Trip Partner Finder
      Summer 2019 Trip     



member (6)member
12/27/2019 10:03AM  
Hi All,

I am interested in joining a group, or organizing a group, for a trip this summer. I am thinking Aug 13 to Aug 18 but dates are flexible. I live in Mpls and have equipment (canoe, tent, tarp, stove) for two. If we have more than two, we will need to rent. I can borrow two Duluth packs from a friend, and have another friend who will rent stuff here in Mpls at the same rates charged in Ely, this saves time by avoiding a stop at an outfitter. We can still stop and enjoy Ely, but this gives us more time to do that and enjoy the trip. I am 59 years old but am happy with a wide range of ages, sexes, whatever, etc. The main thing to me is that you can carry a pack across a portage, and like (and/or love) being in the wilderness.

Post questions here or email me at


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member (6)member
12/27/2019 10:13AM  
P.S. My long time trip friend has had to back out a couple of times because of work conflicts. That is why I'm posting here.
distinguished member(8868)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/27/2019 08:40PM  
The thread title says 2019. Should I assume you meant 2020?
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