BWCA Trip Report - Winter Camping on Parent - Cold Slush and Warm Memories! Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Winter Camping on Parent - Cold Slush and Warm Memories!     



member (12)member
01/01/2020 08:46PM  
New Trip Report posted by Nelsonti

Trip Name: Winter Camping on Parent - Cold Slush and Warm Memories! .

Entry Point: H

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Kevin Myers
Guest Paddler
01/02/2020 10:09AM  
You may want to remove this report as cutting tree bows is illegal in the BWCA
distinguished member(836)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/02/2020 04:51PM  
?? Your wife has what it takes. Nothing like a hot tent and the quiet of winter.
member (9)member
01/02/2020 07:30PM  
I really enjoyed your report. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on your pending arrival! Your photos are much-appreciated as I don't think I quite have what it takes to do this kind of trip. Your report makes it seem like a lot of fun, though, and Luna looked like she was in Heaven! Thanks again.
distinguished member(2117)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/03/2020 09:02AM  
Looks like a good time. Have you ever read Paradise Below Zero by Rutstrum? I read it every January.
01/03/2020 10:31AM  
Great book from another time...
distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2020 01:14PM  
Great report, makes me want to give winter camping a go.
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