BWCA Trip Report - Trip to Iron Lake Fall 2011 (2019 remake) Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Trip to Iron Lake Fall 2011 (2019 remake)     



01/04/2020 06:32PM  
New Trip Report posted by ghamer

Trip Name: Trip to Iron Lake Fall 2011 (2019 remake).

Entry Point: 16

Click Here to View Trip Report
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01/04/2020 10:29PM  
Very nice, a beautiful area in the fall.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/05/2020 12:00AM  

Thanks for taking the time to put this together.
01/07/2020 02:04AM  
You sir, surpass the, pictures are worth 1000 words saying! Thanks.
01/07/2020 09:40AM  
Hey guys, thanks for taking a look... I'm really enjoying putting together these remakes and reliving the trips! In a few months, I'll be looking forward to making some new shows :-)
distinguished member (159)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/18/2020 02:46PM  
The video was very well done and as already commented, your pictures are absolutely outstanding.

As I've taken that exact same route up to Crooked Lake, I enjoyed seeing your pictures of the same places and sites that our group has seen over the past 25 years...… our pictures are just not quite as captivating!


distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/19/2020 03:59PM  
Nice report, looks very different compared to when we were there in June a few years back. We stayed at the same site on Iron for 2 nights.

(other than the hawkeye's hat....)
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