BWCA Online Permit Issues? Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Online Permit Issues?     



01/20/2020 04:13PM  
I have tried to secure a Q permit online a few times in the last few days, and each time I have been unable to do so. I know I can call the Park and make reservations that way, but I am wondering if anyone else has had any issues with the online system.

Update: Appears there is a glitch with the availability calendar online; both from the user end as well as @ the call in reservation system. Spent over an hour on the phone with 3 different people, and their resolution at this time is to basically guess and check EP availabilities until one works. The issue is that the online availability calendar says all EPs have permits remaining, yet this is not the case. Finally secured a 6/19 entry @ Agnes after a good 60 minutes of trial and error. Their IT folks are aware of the issue.
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distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/09/2020 08:41PM  
There has been some changes to their reservation system and problems have resulted. I made a reservation for a trip and it didn't work out right, they originally charged me for 1 person when it was a 2 person trip. They called me to work it out right and to charge me for the two person trip. It worked out ok.
02/10/2020 07:39AM  
Seems to be working okay now. Will find out for sure this Thursday when I try to pull a Kahshapiwi permit.
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/10/2020 10:00AM  
joewildlife: "There has been some changes to their reservation system and problems have resulted. I made a reservation for a trip and it didn't work out right, they originally charged me for 1 person when it was a 2 person trip. They called me to work it out right and to charge me for the two person trip. It worked out ok. "

I had the same exact issue. Easy fix, and the park employee I spoke with on the phone was very easy to work with.
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