BWCA Trip Report - Solo trip through the number lakes Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Solo trip through the number lakes     



member (47)member
01/29/2020 08:49PM  
New Trip Report posted by molshove

Trip Name: Solo trip through the number lakes.

Entry Point: 30

Click Here to View Trip Report
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01/29/2020 11:04PM  
Thanks, enjoyed reading your report. Yep, a first solo :) Sounds like it won't be your last. Glad to hear it went well for you.

The lack of interruptions and thoughts about others really does heighten my awareness. Ordinary life can be so full of busyness; it's nice to experience the opposite for a while.
distinguished member (152)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/30/2020 08:56AM  
You should be careful of the pictures you post on here. Some may judge you for a rules violation. Fire.
distinguished member (417)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/30/2020 09:25AM  
Terrific trip report. I really enjoyed reading it and looking at your photos. I hope you're able to get out again this next year.
member (47)member
01/30/2020 10:09PM  
HappyHuskies: "Terrific trip report. I really enjoyed reading it and looking at your photos. I hope you're able to get out again this next year. "

Thanks! Aug 23 I'll be headed in at EP 51, this time with a few comrades, both of whom have never been to the BWCA. Very excited to introduce them both!

Chieflonewatie: "You should be careful of the pictures you post on here. Some may judge you for a rules violation. Fire."

There was no fire mean above the grate? Those damn otters kept throwing split wood on while I was looking away. Pesky critters.
distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2020 01:34PM  
Nice report!
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