BWCA No name west of Poohbah Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      No name west of Poohbah     



distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/08/2020 04:10PM  
I was wondering if any of you had any information on the no-name that is bordered by Poohbah on the north, east and south and has a no-name and Wink to the west (it is shaped sort of like a standing squirrel) . It is decent sized, similar to Berniece, and looks like it might be accessible either by the creek on the north or by the easily accessible pond on the south. There is an easy carry over to the pond which would get you close, but not sure about from there. Anyone been there? Are there fish, or is it a swamp?
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02/08/2020 09:53PM  
Trout on the north end, Largemouth on the south end.
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