BWCA Pretty excited about this Inskeep book! Boundary Waters Group Forum: Book Club
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   Group Forum: Book Club
      Pretty excited about this Inskeep book!     



distinguished member(914)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/10/2020 04:53PM  
Inskeep is a genius. Excited to read this book:
"Imperfect Union"
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distinguished member(1457)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/12/2020 06:02AM  
"Imperfect" :|

wow, the full title is:
How Jessie and John Frémont Mapped the West, Invented Celebrity, and Helped Cause the Civil War.

It's nice to know in advance which side of the debate the bias falls. But then I could have guessed that simply from the author.

It's interesting that starting in the mid 60's the anti-hero become the love interest of America and at some point it turned to tearing down former heroes. I wish somebody would write a book why this is so, perhaps somebody has. Is it the lack of hero's today?
Even the race to the moon has been criticized for being too white, and too male.
When I try to think of a hero today, it's tough, there are certainly a lot of villains. That seems to be the key, become a hero in your own eyes by making somebody else into a villain. Or just be a villain, you might as well, somebody will eventually call you one.
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/13/2020 07:23PM  
Thanks for the tip..requested it from my local library. Of course there a few holds in front of me.
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