BWCA Social Distancing Boundary Waters Group Forum: Wabakimi
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   Group Forum: Wabakimi
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03/17/2020 06:50AM  
Visit Wabakimi where social distancing is guaranteed!
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distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/17/2020 08:12AM  
Ontario Parks will probably bring in a Social Distancing surcharge to better serve you.
03/17/2020 11:08AM  
Let's hope they let us non-citizens in once the water is liquid...
distinguished member(1457)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/18/2020 05:50AM  
goatroti: "Ontario Parks will probably bring in a Social Distancing surcharge to better serve you."

Yes, they will call it an Indoor Card, for those who sleep in tents... and no, you will still need it to sleep in a hammock or under the stars because of the cost of maintaining trees to hang your hammock and the ground to sleep on.
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/18/2020 10:43AM  
Now you have to prove your travel to Wabakimi is 'essential'. Good luck with that.
03/19/2020 09:29PM  
It's essential :)
distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2020 08:39AM  
I'm essentially going to be REALLY PISSED OFF if I don't get to go! (Is that essential enough?)

03/20/2020 09:22AM  
dentondoc: "I'm essentially going to be REALLY PISSED OFF if I don't get to go! (Is that essential enough?)


+1 for sure
distinguished member(609)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/28/2020 02:55PM  
goatroti: "Now you have to prove your travel to Wabakimi is 'essential'. Good luck with that."

I will tell them I am the Cedar Queen and man’s laws do not apply to me.
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2020 06:57AM  
Word from the Premier of Ontario...
04/19/2020 04:15PM  
When a man is right, he is right.
I am embarrassed over and over by the US president.
I only hope most Canadians understand that most US folks are not complete idiots.
distinguished member(609)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2020 04:26PM  
jcavenagh: "I only hope most Canadians understand that most US folks are not complete idiots."

I was thinking the same!!! So embarrassing!!
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2020 05:00PM  
In my 14 summers of paddling in Wabakimi I've paddled with 24 fine Americans. There's only one I have doubts about, but I won't say who. I want to keep the other 23 guessing. ;)
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2020 06:53AM  
goatroti: "In my 14 summers of paddling in Wabakimi I've paddled with 24 fine Americans. There's only one I have doubts about, but I won't say who. I want to keep the other 23 guessing. ;)"

It's OregonDave, isn't it!?
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2020 07:10AM  
I'd rather paddle with Dave than with a family of friendly otters. He's a sweetheart.
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2020 08:07AM  
goatroti: "I'd rather paddle with Dave than with a family of friendly otters. He's a sweetheart. "

Very true. It is hard to be in a bad mood around Dave.
distinguished member(3031)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2020 01:30PM  
goatroti: "I'd rather paddle with Dave than with a family of friendly otters. He's a sweetheart.

I’m not sure how to read that. Otters have very nearly jumped in my canoe and slit my throat. They seem to be ornery mean SOB’s.
Never seen a friendly otter.


distinguished member(609)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2020 04:27PM  
It's me, isn't it?

I took that last portion of Mountain House Granola with Milk & Blueberries, and you've never forgiven me!
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2020 05:41PM  
No it's not you Cedar Queen, even with your admission of that transgression of the rules of campsite etiquette. Your royal station precludes you from inclusion on the enemies list.
distinguished member(1457)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2020 06:11AM  
jcavenagh: "When a man is right, he is right. I am embarrassed over and over by t he US president.I only hope most Canadians understand that most US folks are not complete idiots."

What you should be hoping is that most Canadians aren't thinking the same thing as the premier of Ontario
"The answer is absolutely not. I don't want them (Americans) in Ontario."

"I want to put the people of Ontario first."

and in fact, many of them do, they like to visit the US, but prefer we not do the same

why camping for US citizens is so &*@# expensive in Ontario
04/21/2020 06:38AM  
04/21/2020 06:39AM  
Trying to close out the quotes...
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2020 06:50AM  
Portage99: "It's me, isn't it?

I took that last portion of Mountain House Granola with Milk & Blueberries, and you've never forgiven me!"

I'm not a huge Mountain House fan, but that stuff is awesome. I always looked forward to it on the project trip I was on.
distinguished member(609)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2020 08:55AM  
goatroti: "No it's not you Cedar Queen, even with your admission of that transgression of the rules of campsite etiquette. Your royal station precludes you from inclusion on the enemies list.

Finally, my royalty has been officially recognized! : )
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/25/2020 09:53AM  

An update from the Ontario Parks website.
08/03/2020 09:57AM  
I have already accepted that there will be no Canadian trip this year. Next year I will have to make up for missing this year.
distinguished member(609)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/03/2020 10:06AM  
Yes, not surprising. They just held a big party on the river here with 500 people-no masks, no social distancing. People are lunatics and hurting the economy and their loved ones. US has colossally botched this. Our only hope is an effective vaccine.

I’m still looking to be adopted by a nice Canadian family-or a mean Canadian family, at this point!
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/03/2020 11:05AM  
Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people from all over the country are preparing to attend the annual biker rally in Sturgis SD. We will never get through this without a vaccine.
distinguished member(609)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/08/2020 06:17AM  
What is sad is that many of those bikers are at high risk for multiple reasons. I have been reading comments, with an open mind, to try to understand why they would take this risk. The logic is simply skewed. They outline their reasons for attending and it is based on misinformation or flawed logic. I tried to write a neutral, non-partisan post to maybe save some lives. And, focus on the fact that no one knows the effects of this virus long term. I figure maybe a couple of people would read it and not go.

I have been talking to a couple of my friends and they really did not have the bigger context of global diseases, historical outbreaks, the world of epidemiology, the long-term players in global health. Once they had the information, they gave pause to the idea that this is a hoax or no big deal. A complete lack of context and critical information that debunks many of the false info out there. A lot of things sound good until you have all the facts.

Some of the responses to this pandemic remind me of a documentary on the OJ Simpson jurors. They interviewed each member and their logic was totally off. They did not understand DNA technology (relatively new to the public then, I think?). I remember one woman said she thought OJ was guilty until they presented the DNA evidence. She said something to the effect of that she knew he was innocent because, "Once they said there was a one in a billion chance, I knew they were lying. There aren't even a billion people in the world". Which brings into question our jury trial system. LOL But, I digress...

I'm angry that someone in authority did not put a stop to this event. Really?
I am also super sad that people will become sick and probably die. The likelihood of no one in that crowd having the virus is about zero, I would imagine. Hopefully, people stay outside at least. Masks and keeping apart would be great. I am hopeful being outside will help stop the spread.

Another frustration is people who keep going out when they are sick and claim it is not COVID (without testing). "I have a cough but don't worry, it's not COVID.". "I had a cold, but it was definitely not COVID. I know when I have a cold". If you are sick, stay home, pretty please.

The book The Plague by Camus is creepy and fascinating to read. People are people no matter the era or the scourge. : )

Okay, I will stop hijacking the thread. I feel like I am surrounded by people (some of who I love very much) who have lost their minds. : )

distinguished member(697)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2020 04:31PM  
so it turns out that there is no major Wuhan outbreak directly tied to Sturgis. sure, there are some cases, but even among the population of Sturgis itself, additional cases fall well within the expected % of the general population who contact the virus from any source, known or unknown.

dire predictions didn't come to pass, and South Dakota got their annual cash infusion of 700 million, kinda important to a midwest economy. various charities got a their bump too.
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2020 07:30PM  
Covid after Sturgis...
09/07/2020 01:29PM  
09/07/2020 03:40PM  
Any way you slice it, we're not getting into Wabakimi anytime soon, let alone Canada!
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/08/2020 10:18AM  
jdrocks: "so it turns out that there is no major Wuhan outbreak directly tied to Sturgis. sure, there are some cases, but even among the population of Sturgis itself, additional cases fall well within the expected % of the general population who contact the virus from any source, known or unknown.

dire predictions didn't come to pass, and South Dakota got their annual cash infusion of 700 million, kinda important to a midwest economy. various charities got a their bump too."

Results Are In: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Was A COVID 'Super Spreader' Costing Billions
distinguished member(697)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/10/2020 02:04PM  
surely you guys must know by now that the WAPO story was fake news.

see what Kristi Noem has to say about the so called "study". no science, no peer review, no nothing. GOP governor, does anyone think that might be a reason the media picked up the story and ran with it.
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/10/2020 02:30PM  
jdrocks: "surely you guys must know by now that the WAPO story was fake news.

see what Kristi Noem has to say about the so called "study". no science, no peer review, no nothing. GOP governor, does anyone think that might be a reason the media picked up the story and ran with it."

The governor is a politician, not a scientist. Maybe the media 'ran with it' because someone who attended the rally recently died, and many others have gotten sick.

The same group (IZA Institute of Labor Economics) determined that a spike in cases in Oklohoma was NOT likely caused by the Republican rally in Tulsa, so the group of economist doing the study doesn't strike me as politically motivated. WAPO did not do the study and merely reported on it, so I'm not sure what your point is. You are correct that the paper has not yet been peer-reviewed. It was transparently released as a pre-print.

What one can't deny is that countries like Canada are handling the containment of the Coronavirus much better than the United States. Their transmission rate is 1/5th that of ours. Hosting events like the Sturgis rally sends a clear signal that the US is not yet responsible enough to have an open border with Canada. Multiple surveys of Canadian citizens seem to support this sentiment, despite the fact that their economy is certainly hurt by the border closure.

At any rate, the Wabakimi forum probably isn't the best place to hash out our differences on Coronavirus transmission or politics. Happy paddling.
09/10/2020 05:44PM  
09/10/2020 08:43PM  
09/11/2020 02:32PM  
They are better than blah, blah, blah about covid, don't you think?
distinguished member (137)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/05/2023 07:42AM  
08/05/2023 09:12PM  
I like turtles :)
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