BWCA Regarding RABCs March 25 Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Regarding RABCs March 25     



03/25/2020 10:54AM  
We have a Quetico reservation for June 18. My buddy just e-mailed me this:

"Canada called me today (3/24/2020) informing me that they are not accepting RABC requests at this time. They will hold on to my application until the injunction is over and not charge me $30 Canadian or not at all if it goes past June 1 which was my must have date. They requested that I inform them should we cancel our trip. Sooooo...there you have it."
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03/25/2020 11:31AM  
This was the year I got mine done early, before leaving for FL. Oops!
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/25/2020 11:36AM  
Springer2: ""Canada called me today informing me that they are not accepting RABC requests at this time. They will hold on to my application until the injunction is over and not charge me $30 Canadian or not at all if it goes past June 1 which was my must have date. They requested that I inform them should we cancel our trip. Sooooo...there you have it.""

Great to know, Mark. Thanks.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/25/2020 03:23PM  
I don't know how this will all play out. But holy crap, this can't go on til June 1. I can deal with all of this but I just can't imagine being banned from my Q trip this year.

I told my wife that if this gets weird and things stay shut down, she will have to drop me off at a BWCA entry point in the dark and then pick me up on a set exit date.

There is no way that I will not be in the wilderness come ice out. Just no way...... Unless I'm on a ventilator which isn't funny. But sort of funny if you like dark humor.

distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2020 02:47PM  
I have a current RABC that is good to August because I went to Quetico in September. I needed to get my daughter a RABC for our trip going in late May. I applied before the COVID thing hit the fan, they charged my credit card, but we haven't received the RABC or any correspondence from them.

I went and made a BWCA reservation for the same dates just in case. It only cost $38 total, compared to the $300-$400 I already paid up front to Quetico for my 2 person 14 day permit.

I heard Quetico will invalidate the camping permit and refund the money if the border remains closed on my entry date. I'm not thrilled about going back the BWCA but we will make the best of it.

04/14/2020 08:57PM  
If I had to place a bet it would be that the park opens up but the border remains closed for 2020. There's just not much incentive for Canada to take the chance on bringing the virus to a ranger station. With The US leading everyone in positive cases the rest of the world would understandably not want Americans in their country.

I don't know about you guys but I've been researching routes for the BW. I haven't been there since 2012. The good news is it's way cheaper!

distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2020 04:20PM  
TomT: "If I had to place a bet it would be that the park opens up but the border remains closed for 2020. There's just not much incentive for Canada to take the chance on bringing the virus to a ranger station. With The US leading everyone in positive cases the rest of the world would understandably not want Americans in their country.

I don't know about you guys but I've been researching routes for the BW. I haven't been there since 2012. The good news is it's way cheaper!

We have a June 4-8 Quetico permit. I think there’s a strong likelihood that the border won’t reopen for a while. I’m hopeful there will be an exception for RABCs, but that’s probably just wishful thinking. It’s too bad they don’t allow for some sort of remote check in for permits somehow. I would love to continue on with my Quetico streak of going on 7 straight years.

Regarding people not letting Americans in their country, though, that doesn’t actually make sense to me. While we have the most cases reported out of any country, we’re far from the highest number of cases per capita. So our citizens still present a lower statistical danger than a lot of countries.
04/15/2020 07:28PM  
cburton 103 I’m very hopeful I’ll be able to go to Quetico in September but I’m very happy just knowing the BW will be there as a back up. But realistically why would Canada take any risk? I think they are doing the right thing, it just kinda sucks for us in the States but I’m having fun planning my alternate trip.
06/06/2021 07:51AM  
Any updates on the RABC permit for this year? I'm just curious as restrictions start to loosen here. Of course, I'm hopeful that Quetico in September will indeed be a possibility.
06/10/2021 01:51PM  
HighnDry: "Any updates on the RABC permit for this year? I'm just curious as restrictions start to loosen here. Of course, I'm hopeful that Quetico in September will indeed be a possibility."

Terry, a 6/9 on the RABC site posting states the restrictions are still in place-but I am sure you already know this. Keep those fingers crossed!
06/10/2021 02:36PM  
Hey Mark! Thanks, I will. Hope to see you up there at some point.
06/10/2021 09:57PM  
Good news for Canadians. The park just opened and I got my three weeks in late August. Couldn’t be happier.
06/12/2021 09:38AM  
jdddl8: "Good news for Canadians. The park just opened and I got my three weeks in late August. Couldn’t be happier. "

Good to hear this. Hopefully, next year I will be able to cross the border and return!
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