BWCA library book dilemna Boundary Waters Group Forum: Book Club
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      library book dilemna     



05/05/2020 09:47AM  
so, our city library has been closed since the end of february, i think. i've got books waiting to return and books waiting to be picked up.

the library has stated that an idea they have come up with for returning books is to put them in the outside return receptacle and once that is full they will leave them sit in their for however many days is the magic number for library books. then they will remove them, reshelve them, and then the receptacle is available to fill up again.

my concern is the fact that no one has been working inside the library this entire time doing things like disinfecting books....
and now i'm not sure i want to check out books anymore, even though that is my preferred method of reading. i have a kindle that is about 8 years old, never used cuz i lived in an area without the proper internet speed. now that i'm a city girl again i suppose i should get that up and running and switch to that.

i'm just not sure on how to go about disinfecting an entire book and all the pages to make it safe.

any ideas or thoughts?
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05/05/2020 11:04AM  
At my house we have been working on the three day rule with printed materials like newspapers, magazines and books. We store them for three days and then use them without any problems so far. My wife and I are both over 70yrs old and I have asthma so we're considered high risk. We follow the advice from our son-in-law who is a pulmonologist/critical care MD.

Our local library which is part of large group of public libraries in SE Wisconsin recently started lending materials again which you pickup through curbside delivery and return at a later date when asked to by the library.
distinguished member(1472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/29/2020 04:06PM  
Have you checked your local library web page for e-reader apps that you can use to access their electronic reading library?

My library uses an app called "Libby". Libby LInk

This, along with my library card #, gives me access to their electronic reading library. There are hundreds of titles available through this venue.

distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/30/2020 08:08PM  
Our local library quarantines returned books for 3 days. Then they are shelved or returned to the home library, if they came from another in the regional system. I'll even get an occasional overdue notice (subsequently eliminated) for a book returned just a day or two before the due date, since they haven't been checked back in...

Personally, I don't think it's necessary, but happy that they are able to make others happy. And easier on the materials (and staff) than using a chemical cleaner...
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