BWCA Homer Lake Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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06/07/2020 10:09PM  
So with all summer activities canceled we're taking random trips north whenever we can. I just grabbed a Homer Lake permit for Friday, and my wife - who's not at all an outdoorsperson - is thinking of joining us. If she does, we'll take it super easy, and it'll be a chance for our extremely-outdoorsy daughter to try doing it "on her own" - she'll use my solo tent and I'm going to rent her a solo canoe. Looks like a super easy entry - the kind we usually avoid, but perfect for this short spur-of-the-moment trip.

If it ends up being just daughter and me we'll make a bit of an adventure of it, probably heading up to Brule and going from there.

I haven't been in at Homer Lake before. The nearest I've been in is Sawbill, which was easy and really nice as the starting point for me and my daughter to do a fairly epic paddle across the BWCA from there to Lake One.

Any tips or thoughts?
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distinguished member (205)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/08/2020 06:50AM  
TominMpls: "So with all summer activities canceled we're taking random trips north whenever we can. I just grabbed a Homer Lake permit for Friday, and my wife - who's not at all an outdoorsperson - is thinking of joining us. If she does, we'll take it super easy, and it'll be a chance for our extremely-outdoorsy daughter to try doing it "on her own" - she'll use my solo tent and I'm going to rent her a solo canoe. Looks like a super easy entry - the kind we usually avoid, but perfect for this short spur-of-the-moment trip.

If it ends up being just daughter and me we'll make a bit of an adventure of it, probably heading up to Brule and going from there.

I haven't been in at Homer Lake before. The nearest I've been in is Sawbill, which was easy and really nice as the starting point for me and my daughter to do a fairly epic paddle across the BWCA from there to Lake One.

Any tips or thoughts?"

If you've only got a weekend, Homer is a great EP. Head down to Pipe for a quiet dead end area or over to Vern. If you're in for a longer haul, I think you're only option is to get up north to Brule, from which options abound. Exiting at Brule and walking to your car at Homer wouldn't be too much of a problem at all.
06/08/2020 09:13AM  
Oh, I hadn't even considered how close the Brule entry is to the Homer entry. I prefer to avoid out-and-backs, so that's a good suggestion.
distinguished member(602)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/08/2020 09:52AM  
I went into this entry point for an easy family trip with two small kids and base camped. If your wife doesn’t want to do a lot of moving and you end up base camping you could base camp on Vern. You could do some day tripping from there to the Pipe Lakes the Vern River and also up to Juneau. It’s only a couple short portages in so you can bring a lot more luxuries like a screen house. It’s a nice quiet area.
06/09/2020 05:44AM  
Just got back from there...stayed on western campsite on Vern and caught quite a few nice walleyes(19") from camp! Pretty quiet, nice area. You can explore up the Vern River for quite a ways and the area between Vern and Pipe is very pretty. I would recommend the southern route from Homer, regardless of where you head to. The portage landings between Homer and Vern going through Whack Lake suck.
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