BWCA EP 32 - South Kawishiwi River Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      EP 32 - South Kawishiwi River     
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06/16/2020 10:34AM  
We are camping at South Kawishiwi River. Looking for day trips from Entry Point 32 for our group. We were late to the game this year and just looking to get our feet wet and plan ahead next year to get permits.

Can anyone suggest a couple good day trips starting and ending at this entry point, or is is possible to shuttle up to a different entry point and end back at 32? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/17/2020 02:21PM  
Welcome to!

Here's a trip report that starts at a different entry point but provides access to the same general area. Maybe it will give you some ideas? Fall exploration of the Kawishiwi triangle
06/17/2020 03:32PM  
Starting at EP33 - Little Gabbro and then coming back down the South Kawishiwi with perhaps a side trip over to Clear Lake and then down to EP32. It's then about a 2 mile walk/jog back to EP33 for the car.

06/18/2020 08:37AM  
Do you know roughly how long of a trip it is from little gabbro to EP32? Also if we did start at little gabbro and included clear lake how long of a trip that would be? Just curious if half day of full day not counting time spent fishing.
distinguished member (153)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/19/2020 11:36AM  
It would be approximately 10 miles of paddling/ portaging to go from EP #33 to #32 with a Clear lake stop. I'd want to make a full day of it if I wanted to fish. Otherwise, if you wanted I just try paddle it wouldn't take all day- maybe 6-7 hours (guesstimate).
06/19/2020 03:06PM  
Probably depends on how long you linger. As perspective, paddling solo I've entered at Little Gabbro, gone through Clear, stopped to fish here and there, and exited at the Farm Lake entry in an afternoon before.

distinguished member (205)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/20/2020 09:14AM  
We went last year.

We stayed at a campsite that was high up on a cliff. Excellent cliff jumping opportunities is the one right before the portage on the left-hand of the River right before the first portage. Excellent breeze and great views. One day trip we went to see the old fishing shack and Boat that is there. Really neat.
06/22/2020 08:29AM  
The old boat is located nearby EP 32?
distinguished member (205)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/22/2020 09:07PM  
Bout 1 1/2 hour paddle from EP

Right below portage to Clear lake. It is marked on the map section it is located in a bay, you really need to look closely as it’s camouflaged in the trees.
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