BWCA RABC and license refunds? Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      RABC and license refunds?     
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distinguished member(5294)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/15/2020 10:48AM  
If the border doesn't open this year, will Canada be giving refunds for RABC permit and fishing licenses? Outdoor cards probably not going to happen.

Anybody have any idea? Thanks!
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Guest Paddler
07/15/2020 11:12AM  
i would think they haven't processed any RABC applications, but you might get a refund if you ask.

i'd doubt any refunds on canadian fishing licenses or outdoor cards. i've asked in the past and the answer was nope. same in MN. once they are processed it's a done deal.
07/15/2020 03:07PM  
mocha1: "i would think they haven't processed any RABC applications, but you might get a refund if you ask.

i'd doubt any refunds on Canadian fishing licenses or outdoor cards. i've asked in the past and the answer was nope. same in MN. once they are processed it's a done deal."

RABCs are federal. Fishing licences are provincial through the MNR. This came up earlier.

I live in Canada. Pretty much any undelivered government service paid for out of pocket has been reimbursed. Call them and state your case.

With whom did you speak that denied your claim?
07/16/2020 09:21PM  
The fishing license I bought I call it a good investment to the resource in tough times and may help keep a individuals job.
07/17/2020 11:50AM  
Pinetree: "The fishing license I bought I call it a good investment to the resource in tough times and may help keep a individuals job."

I truly like your sentiment but I'm going to have to disagree with whom you are bestowing this gift. Absolutely no-one in the government has lost their job, taken a pay cut nor had their retirement and health care benefits affected by the plague. Many are doing nothing and collecting a weekly cheque. No judgment call simply is what it is.

Get your money back and help a local business. Don't let the Ontario government blow it. Just my inner Adam Smith talking :)
07/17/2020 09:43PM  
I just called the Canadian RABC office in an attempt to get a refund on my RABC issued March of 2020. I'm used to American government and so I was not expecting much. I was so wrong. They gave me the choice of a refund or extending the RABC an additional year. I chose to extend and so now I'm good until March of 2022. That will cover the entire 2021 paddling season. They will mail out new paperwork once the border re-opens. The guy that I spoke to was extremely friendly and accomodating. I love Canadians.
07/17/2020 10:05PM  
DuluthPak: "I just called the Canadian RABC office in an attempt to get a refund on my RABC issued March of 2020. I'm used to American government and so I was not expecting much. I was so wrong. They gave me the choice of a refund or extending the RABC an additional year. I chose to extend and so now I'm good until March of 2022. That will cover the entire 2021 paddling season. They will mail out new paperwork once the border re-opens. The guy that I spoke to was extremely friendly and accomodating. I love Canadians. "
that is a bargain
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2020 10:35AM  
Argo: "
Pinetree: "The fishing license I bought I call it a good investment to the resource in tough times and may help keep a individuals job."

I truly like your sentiment but I'm going to have to disagree with whom you are bestowing this gift. Absolutely no-one in the government has lost their job, taken a pay cut nor had their retirement and health care benefits affected by the plague. Many are doing nothing and collecting a weekly cheque. No judgment call simply is what it is.

Get your money back and help a local business. Don't let the Ontario government blow it. Just my inner Adam Smith talking :) "

Your inner Adam Smith is still living in a 300 year old book. The Ont. Gov. is reducing the payroll through retirement attrition, permanent layoffs and payouts. You know, I know, the people not working know it. That's why the Ontario Parks section of the MNR is so badly understaffed. Now they're going to lose employees in the Environment Ministry as our beloved Premier strips the citizens of environmental protections through it lovely omnibus bill. This will affect canoeing and canoeists everywhere... and your Adam Smith is still dead. (I dislike politics on this board, but some people can't wait to get their point of view on here. I won't let that Adam Smith nonsense get traction in the face of what's really going on.)
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2020 11:00AM  
I'm sure there will be no Ontario fishing license refunds. I'm okay with that, I work for a State fish and wildlife agency and they do good work with my license money whether I fish, hunt, or not.

The folks at the RABC processing center were great. They will just give my daughter one for 2021 when the border finally opens. I'm good with that!
07/18/2020 11:07AM  
goatroti: "
Argo: "
Pinetree: "The fishing license I bought I call it a good investment to the resource in tough times and may help keep a individuals job."

I truly like your sentiment but I'm going to have to disagree with whom you are bestowing this gift. Absolutely no-one in the government has lost their job, taken a pay cut nor had their retirement and health care benefits affected by the plague. Many are doing nothing and collecting a weekly cheque. No judgment call simply is what it is.

Get your money back and help a local business. Don't let the Ontario government blow it. Just my inner Adam Smith talking :) "

Your inner Adam Smith is still living in a 300 year old book. The Ont. Gov. is reducing the payroll through retirement attrition, permanent layoffs and payouts. You know, I know, the people not working know it. That's why the Ontario Parks section of the MNR is so badly understaffed. Now they're going to lose employees in the Environment Ministry as our beloved Premier strips the citizens of environmental protections through it lovely omnibus bill. This will affect canoeing and canoeists everywhere... and your Adam Smith is still dead. (I dislike politics on this board, but some people can't wait to get their point of view on here. I won't let that Adam Smith nonsense get traction in the face of what's really going on.)"

I know a few of the Staff in Quetico. Some of them quit teaching jobs because the love of Quetico, to work there. Believe me they are not over paid and wonder where funding will keep coming from in the future.
Ontario for decades even from in the U.S. was respected for much of their great fisheries research.
07/18/2020 11:50AM  
That’s interesting DuluthPak, might have to give that a try
distinguished member(5294)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/18/2020 04:08PM  
DuluthPak: "I just called the Canadian RABC office in an attempt to get a refund on my RABC issued March of 2020. I'm used to American government and so I was not expecting much. I was so wrong. They gave me the choice of a refund or extending the RABC an additional year. I chose to extend and so now I'm good until March of 2022. That will cover the entire 2021 paddling season. They will mail out new paperwork once the border re-opens. The guy that I spoke to was extremely friendly and accomodating. I love Canadians. "

Thank you! What number did you call? I will ask for an extension as well.
07/19/2020 08:24AM  
Quetico Mike I sent you an email.
07/19/2020 09:11AM  
joewildlife: "I'm sure there will be no Ontario fishing license refunds. I'm okay with that, I work for a State fish and wildlife agency and they do good work with my license money whether I fish, hunt, or not.

The folks at the RABC processing center were great. They will just give my daughter one for 2021 when the border finally opens. I'm good with that!

Actually, they are refunding fishing license fees, and checking my stuff online it looks like they are bumping out the Outdoor Card valid-thru date by a year as well.
distinguished member(5294)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/19/2020 10:11AM  
unshavenman: "
joewildlife: "I'm sure there will be no Ontario fishing license refunds. I'm okay with that, I work for a State fish and wildlife agency and they do good work with my license money whether I fish, hunt, or not.

The folks at the RABC processing center were great. They will just give my daughter one for 2021 when the border finally opens. I'm good with that!

Actually, they are refunding fishing license fees, and checking my stuff online it looks like they are bumping out the Outdoor Card valid-thru date by a year as well."

Can you provide a link on where you are seeing this information?
distinguished member(1726)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/19/2020 11:01AM  
DuluthPack, will you please send me the contact info you used to contact them re: the RABC? I got mine in the mail a few days before the border closing, so I am hoping I'll have the luck you have. '

Thank you!
07/19/2020 09:11PM  
CarMike. Email sent
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/20/2020 08:40AM  
Early in January our group members bought Ontario fishing licenses and outdoors cards. I dragged my feet, then Covid happened. I told my buddies I’m holding off buying the license because I didn’t think the border will be open in September. They called and got their money back but we’re on hold for over an hour.
distinguished member(5294)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/21/2020 12:11PM  
Waited on the phone for about 10 minutes, but will be receiving a refund for the year long conservation fishing license. No refund or extension for the Outdoors Card, which only a few bucks a year anyways. I called 800-387-7011 to get this refund. They said it could take up to at least 6 weeks to see the refund.

I was able to get an extension on the RABC permit. They said they will not send new permit until the border opens.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/21/2020 06:40PM  
QueticoMike: "Waited on the phone for about 10 minutes, but will be receiving a refund for the year long conservation fishing license. No refund or extension for the Outdoors Card, which only a few bucks a year anyways. I called 800-387-7011 to get this refund. They said it could take up to at least 6 weeks to see the refund.

I was able to get an extension on the RABC permit. They said they will not send new permit until the border opens."

Why 6 weeks??? That’s Ridiculous. It’s a click on a computer. It took me longer to write this than it would have been to refund you the money.
distinguished member (116)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/21/2020 08:09PM  
Savage Voyageur: "
QueticoMike: "Waited on the phone for about 10 minutes, but will be receiving a refund for the year long conservation fishing license. No refund or extension for the Outdoors Card, which only a few bucks a year anyways. I called 800-387-7011 to get this refund. They said it could take up to at least 6 weeks to see the refund.

I was able to get an extension on the RABC permit. They said they will not send new permit until the border opens."

Why 6 weeks??? That’s ridiculous. It’s a click on a computer. It took me longer to write this than it would have been to refund you the money. "

Hard to know specifically, but if it's anything like my business we had an increase in the need for refunds due to the closer and simultaneously had to down size employees due to our revenue stream drying up? It really impacted our ability for timely customer service the last few months and we truly appreciate the patience of our customers while we get everyone's money back to them.

Awesome they are willing to refund.

Stay well.

distinguished member(1726)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/22/2020 11:09PM  
DuluthPak: "CarMike. Email sent"

Thanks, Kevin!
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