BWCA Need a canoe partner for early September 2020 Boundary Waters Group Forum: Trip Partner Finder
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Trip Partner Finder
      Need a canoe partner for early September 2020     

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07/24/2020 03:16PM  
Looking for a canoe partner for just about a week of paddling in bwca first of September. My first time in bwca. I want to just get an overall experience.
Any suggestions on how to find someone/anyone?
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distinguished member(3694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/24/2020 08:10PM  
Posting here is a good idea. I have found a few partners on this forum. If I wasn't all ready going the 10th I might be interested. Pete
distinguished member (274)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/29/2020 08:44AM  
I am interested. E-mail me.
07/29/2020 02:37PM  
Hi Red Lake Paddler
Can’t find your email address.
Email me at
distinguished member(596)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2020 08:37AM  
I was planning on going in solo on Sept 4. Don't have a permit yet but had a couple of entry points picked out, but open to ideas. Might be interested in hooking up. Prefer to use my solo canoe though if that could fit into your plans.

I am 65 and have done about 40 to 50 trips into the us and canadian side.

distinguished member(1193)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/18/2020 12:33PM  
Chicagored: "I was planning on going in solo on Sept 4. Don't have a permit yet but had a couple of entry points picked out, but open to ideas. Might be interested in hooking up. Prefer to use my solo canoe though if that could fit into your plans.

I am 65 and have done about 40 to 50 trips into the us and canadian side.


Mitch - I sent you an email. Check spam/junk
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