BWCA Crab lake entry Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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08/08/2020 02:35PM  
do you park your vehicle at the public boat landing off the Vav Vac road? ...good for overnight vehicle stays? I don't mind the paddle across Burnside. Is the location of the portage accurate on the maps here? Portage was moved years ago....all updated? Thanks
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08/08/2020 04:25PM  
We've parked off the Wolf Lake Rd both times we use the Crab Lake entry.

The portage on this map does not appear to be correct. When the portage was moved, it's further south and west of what is shown. If you're coming from the south like we did, once you round the point to head into the bay to the portage, stay south of the bigger island (it has a cabin and dock). The portage landing and sign is pretty much due west of that island and can be seen from quite a ways out. It to the far right center of this photo.

distinguished member (365)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/08/2020 05:07PM  
I left my vehicle at the boat landing for a little over a week a few years ago, our outfitter recommended doing this so I’m fairly confident you’ll be ok.

Got a tow to the portage so I can’t help ya there.
08/08/2020 06:48PM  
Lightfoot: "We've parked off the Wolf Lake Rd both times we use the Crab Lake entry.

The portage on this map does not appear to be correct. When the portage was moved, it's further south and west of what is shown. If you're coming from the south like we did, once you round the point to head into the bay to the portage, stay south of the bigger island (it has a cabin and dock). The portage landing and sign is pretty much due west of that island and can be seen from quite a ways out. It to the far right center of this photo.


Thanks. A little research and I see portage is actually marked on Google maps where you indicated
distinguished member(2470)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/08/2020 08:06PM  
So this is the correct location?

08/08/2020 08:35PM  
Yes, that location is correct. Just double checked an old gps recording I have and it matches up.
08/08/2020 10:47PM  
I have entered here multiple times, even received a tow across Burntside twice. Always used the van vac road access and left cars there-no problem. For overnight parking I believe they want you to park in the upper lots. Its a beautiful lake. You can tuck behind islands for some wind protection. But probably best to get an early start if paddling west to avoid strong headwinds.

distinguished member(1449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/08/2020 10:53PM  
We left our vehicles at the boat landing for 5 days a few years back w/o any issues. As to finding the portage you can always ask the nice lady on the island. We went by it 3 times and finally stopped to ask her. She pointed us right to it. She probably was laughing at guys who didn't want to ask for directions.

If I were to do that trip again I think I'd opt for a tow.

BTW, that portage is up hill both ways. :)
08/09/2020 07:37AM  
We parked in the upper lot, no problem. We paddled and as long as you watch your map you can find the portage pretty easily. As long as you remember to fill a couple water bottles for the portage trek before you leave the motel you can get an early start (yes, we forgot so my husband decided to go back to town rather than pull out the filter).
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