BWCA Trip Report - 50 Years Later Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - 50 Years Later     



09/11/2020 07:55PM  
New Trip Report posted by RPHSPMN

Trip Name: 50 Years Later.

Entry Point: 38

Click Here to View Trip Report
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09/11/2020 08:55PM  
Wow, this was very well written! You have a way with words.
distinguished member(2066)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/12/2020 09:18AM  
Nice report. Do you think that your sons-in-law and grandson will go back? Did they get the bug?
09/12/2020 04:40PM  
Northwoodsman: "Nice report. Do you think that your sons-in-law and grandson will go back? Did they get the bug?"
I think so, but one heads a company and the other is a doctor. Their time off is precious and they both have young kids. The grandson...yes...

09/15/2020 08:53PM  
Nice trip! Nice report!

I camped on Jack last September and I heard wolves at night. It is a special memory.

Thanks for writing it up.
distinguished member(679)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/17/2020 11:24AM  
Fantastic!! I can just imagine your joy of remembering bits and pieces of your earlier trips!
Hopefully you can do another trip with all or most of these tripmates.
distinguished member(679)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/17/2020 11:26AM  
That rock on the Sitka portage will stick in my memory bank for years to come!
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