BWCA Trip Report - Border route on Stand up Paddleboards 7 days Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Border route on Stand up Paddleboards 7 days     



member (38)member
10/08/2020 12:04PM  
New Trip Report posted by Conchistador

Trip Name: Border route on Stand up Paddleboards 7 days .

Entry Point: 12

Click Here to View Trip Report
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10/08/2020 01:47PM  
Congrats! Not something I'd even consider, but a very impressive record in several ways.

distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
10/08/2020 07:51PM  
Way to go! I first remember seeing you saying you'd enter the race and be on a SUP and I was thinking oh boy I hope he knows what he's in for. Obviously he did...and job well done.
member (38)member
10/11/2020 02:26PM  
cyclones30: "Way to go! I first remember seeing you saying you'd enter the race and be on a SUP and I was thinking oh boy I hope he knows what he's in for. Obviously he did...and job well done. "

too hard headed to quit. :-) actually in some ways a sup is easier. the windage is a lot less than a canoe. my sup also only weighed 25lbs so portaging was lighter. next time i'll shave a few more lbs from my pack weight.

Looking forward to my next trip to the BWCA.
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