BWCA Little Caribou Lake access update Boundary Waters Group Forum: Wabakimi
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Wabakimi
      Little Caribou Lake access update     



distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/18/2020 12:14PM  
From a most reputable source in the area:

MTO has replaced the bridge across Little Caribou Creek and thereby eliminated the parking spaces there and access to Little Caribou Lake. If your members (meaning Friends of Wabakimi) use this access and wish to complain about its loss, you should write or call Nick at 807-473-2053,

Perhaps they would do something to recreate the access point or provide money towards it. In any case, do not plan to launch any trips there.
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distinguished member (144)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2021 11:03AM  
That's too bad. If memory serves, there is an access point, or small two track just a hundred yards or so before you reach the bridge where the road is also a little wider. I don't remember if it was possible to get a car in there, but a truck would have made it.

03/26/2021 07:23PM  
Or have Clem Quenville drop you off and securely store your vehicle.
distinguished member (144)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2021 11:05PM  
deerfoot: "Or have Clem Quenville drop you off and securely store your vehicle."

That's what I did.
04/03/2021 08:49AM  
Is he (Clem) with an outfitter or do you contact him separately, i.e. as a private entrepreneur? It sounds like it would be risky to leave your car at the put-in for Little Caribou.
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/03/2021 12:49PM  
Clem has a canoe trailer and has been doing drop-offs in the area for years. Go to the Friends of Wabakimi web page, the "More..." dropdown and the "canoeing, planning, outfitter and other resources" page for contact info.
04/03/2021 08:12PM  
Thanks. I'll check that out on the site. I've never gone through that EP but it looks inviting.
04/03/2021 09:53PM  
Yes Clem is a good guy and very reliable. I met him on my first trip with Phil in Sept 2007. I was the first to scramble up the bank of the Big River to the logging road bridge and came face to face with him. He looked me up and down and said " you're from Wisconsin aren't you?" and I didn't even have my cheesehead hat on. Very perceptive, highly recommended.
09/13/2021 06:34PM  
deerfoot: "Or have Clem Quenville drop you off and securely store your vehicle."

Do you have Clem's contact info?
09/13/2021 09:04PM  
deerfoot: "Or have Clem Quenville drop you off and securely store your vehicle."

Do you have Clem's contact info?"

Emailed FOW info on Clem Q to you.
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/26/2021 10:49PM  
Here is a pic of the new bridge. There is room for three vehicles, the truck is one and the SUV took the place of two...but you could still squeeze in if you needed to.

Some might question the wisdom of leaving a vehicle there for an extended period of time. Your call.

09/27/2021 05:33PM  
Thanks for the posting and photo. It looks like there is parking comparable to what I remember. And it appears your photo is of the road going west to Caribou Lk.
distinguished member (144)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/27/2021 09:44PM  
deerfoot: "And it appears your photo is of the road going west to Caribou Lk."

Funny, I thought it looked like a photo looking back towards Armstrong with the old parking area on the right. Nice pair of Sea Winds by the way.
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/27/2021 09:57PM  
Yes it is on the road that crosses the creek arm of little caribou and the road continues west to Caribou. The picture was actually looking in an East/Southeast direction. If it was me, and I wasn't using an outfitter, I'd ask somebody at the nearby house/lodge if they would take $20 or $50 to park my vehicle there, rather than leave it near the bridge. I had Bruce from Wabakimi Outfitters pick me up in my own truck. Thanks for the comment on the Sea Winds. Catted together we had no problem on some pretty sporty conditions on Smoothrock, that would have been extremely challenging in a typical tandem canoe.
distinguished member (144)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/28/2021 12:53PM  
Hi Joe, I'm a fan of Kruger boats. I have a home built faux Sea Wind. I'm sure you know my friend Norm here in Livingston, also a Kruger boat afficianado.
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/06/2021 12:17PM  
mkdixon: "Hi Joe, I'm a fan of Kruger boats. I have a home built faux Sea Wind. I'm sure you know my friend Norm here in Livingston, also a Kruger boat afficianado."

Yes, I have seen your beautiful boat on the Mighty MO in many Facebook pics!
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