BWCA DIY Paddle glue Boundary Waters Group Forum: Do It Yourself Gear
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   Group Forum: Do It Yourself Gear
      DIY Paddle glue     



12/16/2020 03:08PM  
What is your preferred glue if you have made a paddle? I would like to make my own paddle.
This has probably been answered before but I'm too lazy to look...
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Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
12/17/2020 08:16AM  
I used marine glue from Rockler. Be sure to rotate the grain in the adjacent wood pieces when you assemble them for glueing. This stuff is very strong. I did a test piece and then purposely broke it with a hammer. It did not break at the wood joint, but a half inch away in the wood itself.
distinguished member(655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/30/2021 03:30PM  
Ive used gorilla glue and it held up very well. Makes kind of mess to be cleaned up as it expands, but does well in water.
02/26/2021 04:24PM  
scotttimm: "Ive used gorilla glue and it held up very well. Makes kind of mess to be cleaned up as it expands, but does well in water."

I second the gorilla glue. I lay wax paper down so the mess is mostly isolated to one side.
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