BWCA Clearwater Route Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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01/25/2021 07:15PM  
Hi, 2nd timer. First time outside of complete planning and outfitting. Looking for recommendation on places to go and how long it takes for people who have actually gone on such routes. Right now my group of 5 is looking at the Clearwater route and wondering how long it would take for some teenagers to go when we are traveling for about 5/6 hours per day. Also looking for camps on this route to stop at to take breaks days and hike for a bit to get some real scenic views. We are looking for about a 10 day trip and wondering if this will suffice or if we have to fit some extras in.
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01/25/2021 08:33PM  
When you say Clearwater Route, what lakes do you plan to visit? Lots to see and with the Border Trail a real possible combined trip. Give us more input, Ie. plan on fishing , swimming, and something more about your group?? Helps to answer your questions.
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01/25/2021 08:45PM  
10 days? Assuming you're talking the Clearwater on the Gunflint trail on the Far East side of the park? You could hit every lake in the Vento unit (that area east of the road) in 10 days so I think you're good on time. But more is always better! Haha

Talk to Erik @ Clearwater lodge, he knows it all when it comes to that area. Or listen to his podcast Tumblehome that's a sponsor here and they go over that whole area with a fine tooth comb. Trails, overlooks, fishing, campsites, routes, etc. Their website has routes on it too
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