BWCA Vern Lake site 961 Boundary Waters Group Forum: portages and campsites
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: portages and campsites
      Vern Lake site 961     



02/18/2021 06:43PM  
Stayed here last summer and it's a nice campsite. probably 3.5 to 4 depending on what's important. I like rocks at the waterline to lounge on and fish from, there is a nice granite shelf here. Which, by the way, I caught 7 19 inch walleyes from over 4 days (and some smallies and pike).

There are a few good tent sites, compact but level. Also a large flat area on the second tier above the fir area that would be a great spot for a larger tent, or as we used it, a great spot for a tarp with a view of both the fire grate and the lake. It's not outstanding in any particular way, but very comfortable for a night to a few.

My tent site was up a trail maybe 35 yards with a nice flat area and a view. Mine is a 2 man tent, could probably fit a 4 man.

A nice flat area on the second tier of the camp area, could be a tent site, we used it as a tarp site which kept us dry and happy in a few rainstorms.

We watched a few incredibly large flocks of geese flying overhead, this is one of the largest I have ever seen.

Good sunset views

The Vern River is about a 15 minute paddle away and is an excellent daytrip. Easy, very scenic and good fishing for smallies and walleyes.
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distinguished member (407)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2021 04:35PM  
Awesome, just picked up a Homer permit for a mid summer quick solo. That honestly looks like a perfect spot! Looks like a fun area for my short trip.
02/22/2021 05:33PM  
OMG if you have a large tarp and a solo or small tent that second tier could give you a great tent spot and rain protection with a tarp overhead.

If you get a nice day to explore the Vern River you will love it. Bring a fishing rod with slip bobber and some leeches and fish above and below the narrow areas and hold on. (I am sure other methods would work fine too).

distinguished member(5786)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/24/2023 09:44AM  
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