BWCA North Kawishiwi River Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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member (12)member
02/25/2021 10:36AM  
Hey guys, so I'm going with a friend of mine on May 31st, entry point 29. Was wondering if anyone had any advice on where to go? We aren't sure if we want to head east toward Lake One or southwest toward Bald Eagle Lake. We are after Walleye, Smallies and Crappie. Thinking about making a base camp on North Kawishiwi River and heading out to where we wanna fish daily. We are going there for a full week so plenty of time to move around to where fishing might be better. Any advice would be helpful.
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distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/25/2021 11:12AM  
Lake One is one of the busiest entries in the whole park. That doesn't mean you can't fish or day trip there but FYI
02/25/2021 11:55AM  
Coming down - when you first hit the North Kawishiwi River. I like the campsite to the immediate west of there. Northerns from shore, bass in the bay and walleye out by the island.

I would also make a day trip to Conchu to chase some brookies.
02/25/2021 04:13PM  
Speckled: "Coming down - when you first hit the North Kawishiwi River. I like the campsite to the immediate west of there. Northerns from shore, bass in the bay and walleye out by the island.

I would also make a day trip to Conchu to chase some brookies."

Unless they started again Conchu was abandoned as a stream trout lake about 10 years ago.
member (12)member
02/25/2021 07:40PM  
Awesome thanks, that's kind of what I was thinking, hitting the Kawish as much as possible for walleye and heading Southwest. I'm so pumped up it's all I can think about during the day and it's still 3 months away!!! Have any of you tried triple swivels with quarter ounce jig and plastic combos with a large walleye fly out there? That hammers the big ones here in Wisconsin....
02/26/2021 09:37AM  
Pinetree: "
Speckled: "Coming down - when you first hit the North Kawishiwi River. I like the campsite to the immediate west of there. Northerns from shore, bass in the bay and walleye out by the island.

I would also make a day trip to Conchu to chase some brookies."

Unless they started again Conchu was abandoned as a stream trout lake about 10 years ago."

You're right...well, it never was a great trout lake and I think most of the stocking was just feeding the largemouth bass in there.
distinguished member(1257)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/26/2021 10:02AM  
I'd suggest that you travel to the split and fish just below the rapids on the South Kawishiwi; our group has had a lot of success there. There are few other spots near the split that will produce multiple species. Don't bother with Conchu. All we found in there a few years ago were large mouth bass who simply followed our lures. Super clear water makes the bass spook easily.
distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/26/2021 01:11PM  
We've been in at N Kawishiwi a number of times. Once, we headed "straight" and went down the S Kawishiwi, but more often we've taken the "right turn" and headed west on the N Kawishiwi. Some nice island and peninsula sites along there between the initial portage and the Conchu Lake area. We've had better fishing there, but probably due the increased amount of time spent there. thlipsis29 is right about the success to be found below any of the rapids along the South stretch.
distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/26/2021 08:36PM  
EstarkJPS: "Awesome thanks, that's kind of what I was thinking, hitting the Kawish as much as possible for walleye and heading Southwest. I'm so pumped up it's all I can think about during the day and it's still 3 months away!!! Have any of you tried triple swivels with quarter ounce jig and plastic combos with a large walleye fly out there? That hammers the big ones here in Wisconsin...."

That rig would be illegal in Minnesota waters, only one lure per line.
member (12)member
03/01/2021 01:39PM  
Good to know! Thanks!
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