BWCA Wild Rice Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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03/29/2021 06:49PM  
If any of you like wild rice and don't want to cook for an hour over your stove or fire, I have found a precooked wild rice that is fantastic in the canoe country and is appropriately packaged. For better or worse, it is California wild rice but in the wilderness, who can complain? For some reason, I can't post a photo, but if you are interested in precooked wild rice ready for the canoe country, check out Fall River Wild Rice on Amazon and order ready for the wilderness wild rice.
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distinguished member(2050)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/03/2021 07:31PM  
There is a huge difference between wild rice that is cultivated and wild rice that was collected from the wild. The 1st takes a long time to cook, the 2nd only takes about 15 minutes. I just presoak wild rice in a Nalgene bottle starting the morning I plan to have it for dinner. This shortens the cook time.
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