BWCA Found great Fabric - for rain gear, hammock underquilts etc. Boundary Waters Group Forum: Do It Yourself Gear
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Do It Yourself Gear
      Found great Fabric - for rain gear, hammock underquilts etc.     



Grandma L
distinguished member(5646)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/04/2021 02:31PM  
I was t SR Harris Fabric Warehouse yesterday! Wow, great stuff if you have the time to search through the back isles. I found pre-quilted nylon with Thin-sulite filling. Great for under quilts, vest or jackets. Also thick and thin Nylon coated and un-coated and rain coat "shell" fabric with the light fleece on one side. Time to get sewing again!
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