BWCA Serving size for homemade dehydrated meals Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Serving size for homemade dehydrated meals     



senior member (56)senior membersenior member
04/23/2021 10:53AM  
Was curious as to what portion size people package dehydrated meals for trips. We use either 1.5 cups or 3.5 to 4 oz per serving. What say you?
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distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/23/2021 06:27PM  
For dehydrated at home, I try to to portion it in the dehydrator and bag it as such.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/23/2021 07:48PM  
For solo trips, I look at the total calories and pack so that I have the caloric intake I need for the day. I tend to build my own meals based off recipes. On these trips my total food weight is just over a pound a day.

For group trips, I pack ingredients for a meal based on the quantities recommended in my Camp Menogyn cookbook. Then I have adjusted those over time as the teenager grows and the rest of us age to the point of not needing to eat as much food. I keep notes from every trip. Seems to work, no one ever goes hungry and we never have leftovers in a quantity that can't be eaten by someone. On these group trips we end up with just under 2 lbs. per person per day.
04/23/2021 08:48PM  
I only pack food for myself and not all homemade, but the breakfasts and dinners all tend to be about 4.5 oz. +/- a half ounce and are between 550 and 600 calories. Usually comes to around 2200 calories per day with lunch/snacks and about a pound a day.
distinguished member (228)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/04/2021 10:34AM  
billconner: "For dehydrated at home, I try to to portion it in the dehydrator and bag it as such. "

same. a good portion size for people in my group is a normal cereal bowl filled full slightly heaped. Put this on a dehy tray then put the dried contents of the tray into a vac seal bag. We normally have a main course where each bag is a persons serving and often add a side where 2-3 people split a bag.
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