BWCA John 3:16-21 Boundary Waters Group Forum: Soul Space
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   Group Forum: Soul Space
      John 3:16-21     
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distinguished member (414)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/29/2021 05:53AM  
Scripture Reading: John 3:16-21

Devotion: God gives His only Son as a sacrificial gift to deliver the world from condemnation and to give eternal life to those who believe in HIm. When we continue in an immoral lifestyle, we naturally resist divine disclosure of our sin and thus our need for a Savior. Do not flee the light, but repent. God has revealed His strong love in His Son, Jesus Christ, to forgive your sins and give you life.

Prayer: “O heavenly Father, grant that my life may be a vivid testimony to Your sacrificial and faithful love in Christ. Amen.”

God’s blessings on your day,


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