BWCA Any interest in trading a Souris River Quetico 18.5 for a Quetico 17? Boundary Waters Items For Sale or Wanted
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Any interest in trading a Souris River Quetico 18.5 for a Quetico 17?     
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distinguished member (151)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/04/2021 02:14PM  
Hello all,

I'm wondering if there is anyone out there in need of a larger tripping canoe (my Quetico 18.5 - three seater). I'd like to trade for something similar, but smaller (such as a Souris River Quetico 17, or something very similar).

My SRQ 18.5 is in good shape, but she's not new. She's been sanded and re-epoxied and looks and performs great!

I'll wait to see if anyone shows interest. Thank you!
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distinguished member(903)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/04/2021 02:52PM  
I may entertain this proposal..
senior member (59)senior membersenior member
05/15/2021 04:34PM  
I have a Q16 .... if that's of interest to you.
member (11)member
05/16/2021 04:53PM  
I have a Bell 17' canoe I would trade. I could throw some cash on my end
distinguished member (151)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/23/2021 10:43PM  
Which Bell have you got?
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