BWCA Seagull for lakers Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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member (23)member
06/14/2021 02:18AM  
We're headed in Tuesday for lakers and walleyes on Seagull for four days. Any reports? Thanks folks.
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06/14/2021 07:03PM  
no report , but for lakers troll the deeper water on the west side. depending on the wind ,, drift and jig with some 1oz+ jigs tipped with cut bait or plastics , experiment with depth and use braid with a mono leader. you should get bit ;)
06/15/2021 08:47PM  
AS summer progresses and hot temps warmed lakes up, big lakes are very hard to catch lake trout in the summer.
member (6)member
06/18/2021 09:57AM  
@Patrick54 heading up a week after you. Would love any reports on your success. Going up with a newbee so would love to get him on some fish.
member (23)member
06/19/2021 10:36PM  
reilingr: Not a good report, sorry to say. Three long days fishing and only 1 northern and 1 smallie to show for it. Was beautiful up there though, absolutely beautiful weather, warm during the day, sleeping cool at night. Talked to a number of parties and only heard of one laker caught in - get this - 25 ft. of water, no reports of walleye taken, a few northern and a few smallies. Fishing was really turned off for some reason. We primarily fished the lower west side long and hard, tried various depths, etc. Some trolling, some jigging; some artificial baits (mostly rapalas and spoons), some cut bait, some leeches. We did better this same week 2 years ago. I guess you never know. Hope it turns on for you. Good luck!
member (6)member
06/20/2021 09:29PM  
Super helpful thank you sir. Will probably head out of seagull given that
senior member (65)senior membersenior member
06/30/2021 09:50AM  
Mayfly hatch was in full swing during that time too. I am sure that did not help.
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Seagull Outfitters