BWCA Starting July 5 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Quetico Forum
      Starting July 5     
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06/23/2021 05:52PM  
the welcome mat goes out to travelers...?? It sounds good, but not clear to me.

border opening
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06/23/2021 06:00PM  
Opps, sorry. False Alarm. darn

Ottawa on Monday did announce some changes at the border, to start July 5. They’d allow Canadian citizens and permanent residents who are fully inoculated with a Health Canada-authorized vaccine, and who test negative for covid-19 before and after arrival, to bypass some quarantine and testing requirements.

But the announcement means most fully vaccinated foreigners, including Americans, who hope to enter Canada for nonessential purposes are out of luck.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/23/2021 06:19PM  
Odd so many countries welcome us.

Where can Americans travel
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