BWCA Lonely Lake Information Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Lonely Lake Information     



member (29)member
07/07/2021 03:54PM  
I am looking at doing a trip into Lonely Lake in the near future, and wanted to see if anyone could provide information on campsites, as well as fishing maybe. I would be looking to fish for walleye, and also lake trout. Any information is much appreciated.
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distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/08/2021 10:54AM  
Hey OE... Lonely Lake is a cool lake. I've been there once, but we only passed through, and we didn't fish it either (so I'm not much help to your questions). Quiet place, irregular shoreline... lots of character. Will you be taking the Yeh to Lonely portage?
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/08/2021 03:43PM  
I spent a few nights there and camped on the west shore, not too far from the portage to Walter. I caught quite a few walleyes right from the campsite.

There was a misleading article years ago about this lake that suggested there were lake trout in it. Nobody else I talked to had ever heard of lakers being in Lonely and my trip partner contacted the article's author who noted that it was a mistake based on bad information. The particular area he had suggested fishing for them in was the bay projecting off the eastern side. Almost all of it was under 20 ft. Several of the other lakes in the area do have lake trout however.
07/08/2021 08:27PM  
If I recall it has rather clear water. Some nice sites all around the lake. I've passed through many times but never stayed. I will be there in a couple of weeks but will likely pass through again and head for Draper.

And the portage from Yeh is a bugger on the Yeh end if it's wet. Been there done that. Prefer to enter from Sturgeon and exit to Walter.
07/09/2021 06:34AM  
I stayed at the peninsula site as you enter from Sturgeon and was wind bound so didn’t fish. Real nice site but not huge. On my way out to Walter I passed a site on the west shore with a beautiful spot to stargaze or fish from. Ledges of rock that go out in front of the camp. There’s also some unnamed lakes at the northeast you can get into with some work.
member (29)member
07/09/2021 07:58AM  
I will likely be heading south from Nym Lake access. I have also read that article so that is good to know. I have, however, heard through others that there are lakers in there. Maybe a trip can confirm this. haha.

Good to know you're going to Draper, Argo, as I was contemplating going there as well. I would be heading in next weekend though. Any idea what the fishing is like in there? Good to know about the sites, too, and I am thinking of one of the more southern ones.
07/09/2021 11:06AM  
OutdoorEnthusiast79: "I will likely be heading south from Nym Lake access. I have also read that article so that is good to know. I have, however, heard through others that there are lakers in there. Maybe a trip can confirm this. haha.

Good to know you're going to Draper, Argo, as I was contemplating going there as well. I would be heading in next weekend though. Any idea what the fishing is like in there? Good to know about the sites, too, and I am thinking of one of the more southern ones. "

Draper for us would likely be about the 27-28th. Only one real spot on that lake so you don't want to work to get in there and then find it's occupied :(
member (29)member
07/09/2021 09:55PM  
Ah okay, and yeah I have heard there is only the one site there.
distinguished member (136)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/13/2021 08:50AM  
Lonely is a really pretty lake. I stayed at the south peninsula campsite mentioned by TomT(red dot on fisher map). My notes say "nice, 2-3 tent sites, piney & cedars." There are some exposed rock humps out toward the middle of the lake just north of that campsite where I caught walleye fishing around the humps. I've also got a W marked on the west shore of the campsite, but I really don't remember anything specific about fishing there.

Have a great trip.
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