BWCA #40 Homer to #39 Baker route Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      #40 Homer to #39 Baker route     
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07/19/2021 01:46PM  
Have you done a trip between Homer and Baker? It looks as though it should be doable starting at Homer and heading through Vern to Juno to Brule then back south through Temperance, Wierd, Jack, Kelly, Peterson and Baker.

Wondering if a 5 day, 4 night paddle could accomplish this route?
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distinguished member(914)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/19/2021 03:10PM  
double post - sorry
distinguished member(914)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/19/2021 03:10PM  
More than doable. Nice route. Just be prepared to find sites full all the way from s temp. to Baker, along with the Baker Lake campground. Usually something at Crescent, Sawbill or Temperance (USFS) camps. Distance between the two EP’s in your car is under an hour on nice USFS roads. Good fishing. The only “tricky” part can be west wind from brule into the temperance area. I’ve done this route multiple times the past two summers as a three day, two night solo. No cell service in any of that area.
07/19/2021 05:51PM  
jillpine: "More than doable. Nice route. Just be prepared to find sites full all the way from s temp. to Baker, along with the Baker Lake campground. Usually something at Crescent, Sawbill or Temperance (USFS) camps. Distance between the two EP’s in your car is under an hour on nice USFS roads. Good fishing. The only “tricky” part can be west wind from brule into the temperance area. I’ve done this route multiple times the past two summers as a three day, two night solo. No cell service in any of that area. "

This is great information, thanks. Our EP is in the fire zone, so I scooped this last one up instead. I've paddled parts of Brule before... So, if we messed around Pipe, Vern and Homer for a bit--then maybe the west part of Brule and North Temperance--it looks like we could do South Temperance to Baker on the way out in a morning (5-6 hours). And not worry about the campsites north of Baker. Does that sound about right?
distinguished member(914)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/19/2021 06:50PM  
Yes, that works. Homer is half-motorized but the motorized traffic needs to go pretty slow because there are some huge rocks on it. The nicer sites on it are outside of the BWCA. For more solitude, you could consider looping north on Brule into the Cone lakes. One can exit Brule and walk from Brule EP to Homer EP (about a mile on the gravel). S. Temp to Baker is a relaxing paddle down the river through flowage lakes, with moose, beaver and otter commonly seen.
07/19/2021 07:49PM  
Camp on Vern, two nice campsites. Daytrip up the Vern River for good scenery and good fishing. Move on to the Temperance Lakes and south from there. Great area.

Homer to Vern

Baker to South Temperance
07/19/2021 08:43PM  
lindylair: "Camp on Vern, two nice campsites. Daytrip up the Vern River for good scenery and good fishing. Move on to the Temperance Lakes and south from there. Great area.

Homer to Vern

Baker to South Temperance "

Sounds good-I have done Brule/Cones before...dealt with signficant wind over several days so skirting the south shore and heading up the west coast sounds appealing. Lots of lakes to explore-- a single morning paddle from S. Temperance to Baker really opens up the northern area for a few days. I'm also thinking that Vern lake--and north Temperance may have a little less pressure...but the fact that I was able to snag something after the closure of the Echo makes me grateful no matter where I paddle.
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