BWCA Trip Report - A great week on Good Lake Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - A great week on Good Lake     



member (17)member
07/22/2021 09:15PM  
New Trip Report posted by jdlunde

Trip Name: A great week on Good Lake.

Entry Point: 26

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distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/22/2021 11:10PM  
Enjoyed the report.
Funny... My first year working at Canadian Border Outfitters in 1979, I set out on my first day off, for Hula Lake. I was 18.
While crossing to Wind Bay (from Wind Lake) big storms rolled in.
I turned back.
As I arrived on the Moose Lake side of the Wind Lake portage, storm waves were really kicking up. As I waited a tow boat pulled up. It was Larry, a fellow employee.
Got back to CBO, and owner Tom Harristhal chewed me out big time. I had told no one where I was going. He told me years later he was inches away from firing me. One week in, if I was fired it would have devastated me. Working for an outfitter was my dream at the time.
I worked there seven years and was the first full time employee outside the family.
Was a standing joke.... "We're you going Ed, Hula ?"
After 89 long canoe trips and hundreds of day trips.... I have yet to see Hula!
07/23/2021 09:46AM  
Loved your report and your pictures. Thanks for sharing.
distinguished member(3449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/23/2021 11:52AM  
Nice report, with useful info as I intend to be in that area next month. Absent substantial rain by that time, guess I'd portage Hoist Bay to Good rather that the creek (which looks so easy on the maps).

distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/23/2021 12:34PM  
Nice! I was thinking you'd title it a good week on good lake. But great is better haha

And you're did pack some heavy pike gear!
senior member (51)senior membersenior member
07/24/2021 11:43AM  
Awesome report, had fun reading it!
That first picture is AMAZING!
distinguished member(933)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/24/2021 08:51PM  
It seem like every site has a resident large snapping turtle.
member (17)member
07/25/2021 12:46PM  
Stumpy: "Enjoyed the report.
Funny... My first year working at Canadian Border Outfitters in 1979, I set out on my first day off, for Hula Lake. I was 18.
While crossing to Wind Bay (from Wind Lake) big storms rolled in.
I turned back.
As I arrived on the Moose Lake side of the Wind Lake portage, storm waves were really kicking up. As I waited a tow boat pulled up. It was Larry, a fellow employee.
Got back to CBO, and owner Tom Harristhal chewed me out big time. I had told no one where I was going. He told me years later he was inches away from firing me. One week in, if I was fired it would have devastated me. Working for an outfitter was my dream at the time.
I worked there seven years and was the first full time employee outside the family.
Was a standing joke.... "We're you going Ed, Hula ?"
After 89 long canoe trips and hundreds of day trips.... I have yet to see Hula!"

This cracked me up! Glad the memory is still fresh for you after all this time!
member (17)member
07/25/2021 12:48PM  
HowardSprague: "Nice report, with useful info as I intend to be in that area next month. Absent substantial rain by that time, guess I'd portage Hoist Bay to Good rather that the creek (which looks so easy on the maps).


Hopefully the fish cooperate a little better for ya! We even had half a pound of leeches with and still struggled...
member (17)member
07/25/2021 12:49PM  
colddriver: "Awesome report, had fun reading it!
That first picture is AMAZING!

Thanks! Timing is everything!
member (17)member
07/25/2021 12:50PM  
HayRiverDrifter: "It seem like every site has a resident large snapping turtle."

Interesting. Of all the lakes and campsites we traveled during our trip, we only seemed to have turtle activity at the one. Maybe I was too quick to assume it was the fish remains that attracted them.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/01/2021 09:57AM  
Great snapping turtle photo! That is a big one. Thanks for the report.
distinguished member (244)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/01/2021 06:30PM  
That was a nice trip report.
Thanks for sharing with us.
distinguished member (229)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2021 07:21AM  
Great report, we have made many good memories on Wood, Good and Hula. One day, we'll go back to Good and stay there. Its a beautiful lake.
member (28)member
08/16/2021 07:52AM  
Thanks for the report, great job! I'm planning a very similar trip at the end of the month with my wife. I'm curious how possible it will be to get to that same campsite on Good on the first day? Would it be pushing it too much? Thanks for any info in advance!
member (17)member
08/17/2021 11:35AM  
Onemanwolphpack: "Thanks for the report, great job! I'm planning a very similar trip at the end of the month with my wife. I'm curious how possible it will be to get to that same campsite on Good on the first day? Would it be pushing it too much? Thanks for any info in advance!"

It's certainly possible for someone up to the challenge. Any amount of rain in this area would definitely create some slick and dangerous portages, the portage from Hula to Good is pretty steep in places. There's always the chance of the two campsites on Good not being vacant- which would then require another portage to Basswood, Indiana or back to Wood to find an open site. Staying on Wood the first night worked well for us as we don't canoe all that often, and we needed to get familiar with the equipment again. With that being said... if you have an early start, decent travel weather and the capacity to endure you shouldn't have a problem getting to Good on the first day!
member (28)member
08/17/2021 03:06PM  
jdlunde: "
Onemanwolphpack: "Thanks for the report, great job! I'm planning a very similar trip at the end of the month with my wife. I'm curious how possible it will be to get to that same campsite on Good on the first day? Would it be pushing it too much? Thanks for any info in advance!"

It's certainly possible for someone up to the challenge. Any amount of rain in this area would definitely create some slick and dangerous portages, the portage from Hula to Good is pretty steep in places. There's always the chance of the two campsites on Good not being vacant- which would then require another portage to Basswood, Indiana or back to Wood to find an open site. Staying on Wood the first night worked well for us as we don't canoe all that often, and we needed to get familiar with the equipment again. With that being said... if you have an early start, decent travel weather and the capacity to endure you shouldn't have a problem getting to Good on the first day!"

Thanks for the input. We'll have to see what the weather is doing and how we are feeling. Thanks again!
senior member (91)senior membersenior member
08/17/2021 09:58PM  
Thanks for the report. That is a great snapping turtle pic. Things like that make me remember they're lurking in those lakes :)

Stumpy: "Enjoyed the report.
Funny... My first year working at Canadian Border Outfitters in 1979, I set out on my first day off, for Hula Lake. I was 18.
While crossing to Wind Bay (from Wind Lake) big storms rolled in.
I turned back.
As I arrived on the Moose Lake side of the Wind Lake portage, storm waves were really kicking up. As I waited a tow boat pulled up. It was Larry, a fellow employee.
Got back to CBO, and owner Tom Harristhal chewed me out big time. I had told no one where I was going. He told me years later he was inches away from firing me. One week in, if I was fired it would have devastated me. Working for an outfitter was my dream at the time.
I worked there seven years and was the first full time employee outside the family.
Was a standing joke.... "We're you going Ed, Hula ?"
After 89 long canoe trips and hundreds of day trips.... I have yet to see Hula!"

Always have a float plan and always share it with others ;)
distinguished member (221)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/13/2021 10:00AM  
Awesome report and pictures!
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