BWCA First Trip to Wabakimi Boundary Waters Group Forum: Wabakimi
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   Group Forum: Wabakimi
      First Trip to Wabakimi     



senior member (87)senior membersenior member
07/26/2021 03:01PM  
I am usually a Woodland Caribou guy, but the fire situation there has me looking at Wabakimi for an early/mid August solo trip. I am planning a circle route from Smye Lake, and am looking at the stretch between Heathcote Lake and the Allan Water River.

Does anyone have opinions about using the Foam Creek/Foam Lake option vs the 1120 m portage from Barrington Lake to the Allan Water River? The "no apparent portage" inset on the FOW route planning guide from Foam Creek to Foam Lake is giving pause.

Also, any thoughts on route direction? Starting the trip from Smye to Heathcote or Smye to Wilkie?

Many thanks,
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07/28/2021 07:48PM  
Not familiar with the area you are asking about. But the reference to “No apparent portage” means the Wabakimi Project reconned the area and could not find any evidence of a portage.
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