BWCA Greenwood Lake fire Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2021 12:55PM  
The dot near the center of this image is the location of a fire at Greenwood Lake, southwest of the town of Isabella, that is rapidly expanding to the NNE. It was approximately 1500 acres in size this morning, and the wind is blowing strongly from the south at this writing.

If you have any plans to enter the BWCAW anywhere from South Kawishiwi River east to Hog Creek in the coming days, you would be well-advised to monitor this fire closely.

The large contiguous area with brown shading shows the extent of the 2011 Pagami Creek fire. This one has the potential to match it in scope and duration.

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distinguished member (159)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2021 01:28PM  
gravelroad: "The dot near the center of this image is the location of a fire at Greenwood Lake, southwest of the town of Isabella, that is rapidly expanding to the NNE. It was approximately 1500 acres in size this morning, and the wind is blowing strongly from the south at this writing.

If you have any plans to enter the BWCAW anywhere from South Kawishiwi River east to Hog Creek in the coming days, you would be well-advised to monitor this fire closely.

The large contiguous area with brown shading shows the extent of the 2011 Pagami Creek fire. This one has the potential to match it in scope and duration.


Supposed to be heading in via EP33 on Thursday morning, not sure how confident I'm feeling. Would be around 30mi due north from Greenwood lake. Keeping an eye on things.
08/16/2021 01:44PM  
More closures and evacuations.

SAFETY EVACUATIONS: Today, the McDougal Lake area is under evacuation. Yesterday, the Forest Service, Lake County and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources notified residents in the McDougal Lake area to be prepared in case in evacuation was necessary. Lake County is the lead on public safety and evacuations. There are reports of extensive ash and smoke along Highway 1. Please exercise caution while driving.
CLOSURES: Effective August 15, the McDougal Lake Recreation Area on the Tofte Ranger District is closed. This includes McDougal Lake Campground, McDougal Lake Boat Ramp, McDougal Lake Picnic Area, McDougal Lake Trailhead and Trail. Today, the closure order is being expanded to include Little Isabella Campground, Flat Horn/ Gegoka Ski Trails and Trailheads (Trail 71093 and 71093 Spur trails A ,B ,C, D ,E, F, FA ,FB, G, GA ,H, I ,and J ), Lake Gegoka Boat Access, Stony River Observation Site, Stony River Canoe Launch, Flat Horn Lake Picnic Area, Flat Horn Lake Boat Launch, Dragon Boat Launch, Beetle Boat Launch, Grass Boat Launch, Two Deere Boat Launch, Little Wampus Boat Launch, Sand Lake Boat Launch, Bearskin Lake Boat Launch, Surprise Lake Boat Launch, Grouse Lake Boat launch, Shamrock Boat Launch, Chub Lake Boat Launch, Dunnigan Lake Boat Launch and Gypsy Lake Boat Launch. This will be updated on the Superior National Forest alerts and notices page today.
distinguished member (386)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2021 02:43PM  
I picked up a lonely Bog Lake permit for this Saturday. I wouldn't be surprised that it gets closed, since other boat ramps and such are closing within 7 miles of it- no reason to go in and make someone else's life harder by having to come in and tell me to leave- they all have more important objectives. Looking very likely that I will have to cancel- oh well.
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2021 02:51PM  
THEGrandRapids: "I picked up a lonely Bog Lake permit for this Saturday. I wouldn't be surprised that it gets closed, since other boat ramps and such are closing within 7 miles of it- no reason to go in and make someone else's life harder by having to come in and tell me to leave- they all have more important objectives. Looking very likely that I will have to cancel- oh well. "

Yeah, that's a long way in on a mostly lonely road. Sorry this is happening to you.
distinguished member (386)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2021 04:21PM  
gravelroad: "
THEGrandRapids: "I picked up a lonely Bog Lake permit for this Saturday. I wouldn't be surprised that it gets closed, since other boat ramps and such are closing within 7 miles of it- no reason to go in and make someone else's life harder by having to come in and tell me to leave- they all have more important objectives. Looking very likely that I will have to cancel- oh well. "

Yeah, that's a long way in on a mostly lonely road. Sorry this is happening to you."

It would have been my 4th trip this summer, so not a big deal at all. I did see rain in the forecast for Saturday- but that is an eternity from now. I'm assuming they will be able to cut pretty good fire lines with dozers. Much easier for them to fight outside the BW, not to downplay it at all.
08/16/2021 05:05PM  
This message has had HTML content edited out of it.
Due to the Greenwood fire, the following roads are currently closed:
?? Highway 2 is closed from Forest Hwy 11 to Hwy 1
?? Highway 1 is closed from New Tomahawk Rd to Lankinen R

FYI, Lankinen Rd is downtown Isabella and goes to the community center.
member (5)member
08/16/2021 06:32PM  
Entering EP 30 Lake One Friday and exit is set as EP 32, South Kawishi, a week from today (Monday 8/23). To avoid an automatic cancel would you recommend changing that exit point on the permit?
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2021 10:15PM  
PaddleFam: "Entering EP 30 Lake One Friday and exit is set as EP 32, South Kawishi, a week from today (Monday 8/23). To avoid an automatic cancel would you recommend changing that exit point on the permit?"

That is a tough call to make at this point. Nobody knows what this fire will do at this point. Personally I would wait for a Forest Service update tomorrow (8/17) before trying to decide.
distinguished member (159)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2021 10:33PM  
PaddleFam: "Entering EP 30 Lake One Friday and exit is set as EP 32, South Kawishi, a week from today (Monday 8/23). To avoid an automatic cancel would you recommend changing that exit point on the permit?"

Supposed to head in through EP33 on Thursday morning, not feeling confident now. Anyone local that can give an update on conditions? More concerned about smoke/AQI. I’m not familiar with proximity to fires and closings—right now 33 is about 25mi north of the fire, give or take not knowing the rate of spread. That too close for comfort?
member (15)member
08/16/2021 10:46PM  
I just got out from EP 37 this morning (Monday the 16th) and a little haze started to set in. Nothing close to what it was when I was up there last month. I didn't notice anything today but I have I don't have any breathing conditions. But I can say this, it was incredibly dry and windy this weekend. Really worried about what this week will bring. Lots of dying grass that's ready to light and with the water down so much all the mucky stuff on portages was all dried out. I assume bogs are too.
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2021 08:09AM  
Update from USFS last evening (8/16/2021):

Greenwood Fire Evening Update for 8/16/2021????

The Greenwood Fire is currently estimated to be 2000 acres in size. There were two helicopters, one fixed wing aircraft, eight engines, two dozers, and two tracked vehicles assigned to the fire today. Fire behavior was observed to be extreme with torching and long-range spotting. Aircraft is being used to limit the fire spread to the north. Full suppression tactics are being used to reduce fire spread. The fire is located outside of the wilderness area and threatens cabins, homes, and recreational sites.

The Eastern Area Type 2 IMT has been ordered and will be arriving throughout the next 24 hours. By ordering an incident management team, it allows for local firefighters to be available for any new fire starts and initial attack. Additional resources have been ordered and will arrive throughout the week.

Fire activity in Canada was very active today. A smoke column was visible from the United States. The fires have pushed to the north, but are also backing towards the United States border. The Superior National continues to communicate with Canada daily and continuously monitors these fires.

Currently Highway 2 is closed from Forest Highway 11 to Highway 1. Highway 1 is closed from New Tomahawk Road to Lankinen Road.

The Lake County Sheriff and Emergency Management went door to door to notify residents if they are in the evacuation area. If a residence was unoccupied, the door was posted with a notice. The evacuation area is along McDougal Lake, the Highway 2 corridor near Sand Lake, and just north of Highway 1. Approximately 75 residences have been affected by the evacuation. You can sign up for emergency text alerts and calls from Lake County here:
08/17/2021 08:22AM  
Story on the Greenwood Fire growing here.

Also, Mike Furtman's story on MPR this morning

distinguished member (159)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2021 11:28AM  
Just got word that Little Isabella (75) and Snake River (84) have been closed. So far no plans to close Little Gabbro (33).
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2021 12:13PM  
Update via the Timberjay:

"ELY - The U.S. Forest Service called in the big guns Monday afternoon to battle the Greenwood Lake Fire that was exploding in size and intensity.

A Boeing 737 fire plane from the Northwest South Wales Rural Fire Service in Australia was deployed on Monday to the USFS Air Attack Base at the Ely Airport.

Ground crews pumped 3,700 gallons of liquid fire retardant mixture into the plane in just a few minutes for its first run. At 1 p.m. on Monday, the plane was preparing for its second fire drop of the day.

“The plane was in Boise, Idaho for the last couple of weeks,” said USFS Acting Forest Aviation Officer Kevin Merrill. “She flew in this morning because of the danger posed by the Greenwood Lake Fire (located 19 miles southeast of Ely). We’ll have this plane as long as is needed.”

Merrill said the plane would take four or five more loads to the fire that day.

This newest forest fire was reported mid-afternoon on Sunday and grew to at least 1,500 acres overnight.

Four aerial tankers were quickly deployed to the Ely base early this week, including two Fire Boss float planes, and a S-61 helicopter. A BAE-146 tanker was enroute late Monday.

“We also have two water bombers from Ontario making flights here,” Merrill said. “The Forest Service is throwing everything we can at this fire. This is a big one and it will likely get bigger.”

Highway closed

MnDOT and the State Patrol, in coordination with the USFS, closed Highway 1 near Isabella Monday afternoon due to the Greenwood Fire. The road is closed on eastbound Highway 1 at New Tomahawk Road to allow traffic to go back to Babbitt or turn around. Westbound Highway 1 is closed at Wanless Road in Isabella to allow traffic to use forest highway roads or turn around.

For information about the Greenwood Fire, please visit or call 218-499-9441.

USFS air base at Ely gears up to battle Greenwood Lake Fire?
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2021 12:15PM  
anthonylane: "Just got word that Isabella (75) and Snake River (84) have been closed. So far no plans to close Little Gabbro (33)."

Isabella is EP 35. I'm guessing you (someone) intended to say Little Isabella River (75).
distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2021 05:57PM  
"exploding in size and intensity."
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2021 06:24PM  
gravelroad: "
anthonylane: "Just got word that Isabella (75) and Snake River (84) have been closed. So far no plans to close Little Gabbro (33)."

Isabella is EP 35. I'm guessing you (someone) intended to say Little Isabella River (75).

It is Little Isabella River (75) plus others in the vicinity. For the life of me I cannot understand why Isabella Lake (35) is currently not included:

distinguished member (159)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2021 06:54PM  
distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/17/2021 10:07PM  
How big of a town is Isabella? Population or business-wise
08/17/2021 10:12PM  
cyclones30: "How big of a town is Isabella? Population or business-wise "


distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2021 10:15PM  
cyclones30: "How big of a town is Isabella? Population or business-wise "

Without the road sign you might not recognize it as a "town." It's an unincorporated part of Stony River Township:

Isabella, MN
08/18/2021 08:02AM  
gravelroad: "
cyclones30: "How big of a town is Isabella? Population or business-wise "

Without the road sign you might not recognize it as a "town." It's an unincorporated part of Stony River Township:

Isabella, MN "

I lived there for 3 years, probably the best area I have ever lived in.
08/18/2021 06:14PM  
Superior National Forest Evening Fire Update ?

GREENWOOD FIRE: The Greenwood fire is approximately 4,000 acres. It has been very active this afternoon and has been showing growth on the west side of the fire perimeter. Additional structure protection utilizing heavy equipment is in place along the Highway 2 corridor. Additional fire-fighting crews have arrived. Continue to practice caution as fire weather continues into tomorrow.
08/18/2021 06:40PM  
anthonylane: "Just got word that Little Isabella (75) and Snake River (84) have been closed. So far no plans to close Little Gabbro (33)."

Just exited Snake River today, hiked over to Little Isabella to get my truck. Now I know why the parking lots were empty....
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/18/2021 07:22PM  
dogwoodgirl: "
anthonylane: "Just got word that Little Isabella (75) and Snake River (84) have been closed. So far no plans to close Little Gabbro (33)."

Just exited Snake River today, hiked over to Little Isabella to get my truck. Now I know why the parking lots were empty...."

Glad you’re out. How much smoke did you experience, if any?
08/18/2021 07:33PM  
gravelroad: "
dogwoodgirl: "
anthonylane: "Just got word that Little Isabella (75) and Snake River (84) have been closed. So far no plans to close Little Gabbro (33)."

Just exited Snake River today, hiked over to Little Isabella to get my truck. Now I know why the parking lots were empty...."

Glad you’re out. How much smoke did you experience, if any?"

It was very smoky on Monday afternoon- felt bad to breathe. Better by evening that day, got smoky again late afternoon yesterday, but not noticeable today while paddling out.

I'll post a trip report after I get some photos downloaded
distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/18/2021 09:11PM  
How close or far is the fire (roughly) from those huge pines that are right along Hwy 2? That was always a cool little stretch of road and nice spot to get out for a bit if needed.
senior member (52)senior membersenior member
08/18/2021 09:28PM  
dogwoodgirl: How were the river levels? The Snake river leg must of been a slog? During high water that route is pretty fun..
08/18/2021 10:02PM  
Just got back from the Lady Chain today. Planes where getting water out Grace in the morning and Phoebe in the afternoon pretty much every 10 minutes. Very hazing with the smell of smoke this morning heading back to Sawbill.
08/18/2021 11:40PM  
whyzata: "dogwoodgirl: How were the river levels? The Snake river leg must of been a slog? During high water that route is pretty fun.."

The Little Isabella was interesting. Lots of much rice, and lots of getting out to pull the canoe through ankle deep water. Very slow going.

In contrast, the Snake was fun....still real twisty, but only had to get out one time due to low water levels. Lotsa beaver dams. One extra portage.
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/19/2021 08:10AM  
cyclones30: "How close or far is the fire (roughly) from those huge pines that are right along Hwy 2? That was always a cool little stretch of road and nice spot to get out for a bit if needed. "

This does not encourage me in that regard:

08/19/2021 08:46AM  
cyclones30: "How close or far is the fire (roughly) from those huge pines that are right along Hwy 2? That was always a cool little stretch of road and nice spot to get out for a bit if needed. "

The White Pine area is roughly 8-9 miles south of the fire, with the predicted south winds and cooler weather after that they should be fine.
An interesting note if I remember correctly from working for the Tofte RD, the most southern area of White Pines closest to Forest Hwy 11 were burned in a prescribed burn that escaped the control lines in 1990's ish. These are the skeletons of trees still standing you see. The Laurention RD was in charge of the prescribed fire.
distinguished member (386)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/19/2021 03:06PM  
Did they really close everything around Bog Lake, but not the Bog lake entry or road itself? I had the permit for Saturday and didn't want to wait and see if they would close it and I don't need to be a liability for the overworked fire fighters, so cancelled (lost my $6) and reserved for the following Saturday, which will probably turn into another $6 donation. I hope at least the $12 in reservations go to the firefighters (satire).
08/19/2021 07:45PM  
Greenwood Fire is now at 4700 acres...
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/19/2021 09:01PM  
WhiteWolf: "Greenwood Fire is now at 4700 acres..."

Saw that in the presentation. And the reference to upcoming westerlies, which I knew about already (as you probably did.)

It ain’t over until it’s over. And it ain’t nearly over.
distinguished member (274)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/20/2021 10:15AM  
Just had a real nice shower here in East Grand Forks, MN. I would guess it was more than a 1/4” and it’s still raining. I know it wouldn’t put out the fires , but would calm them down some. I hope and pray it continues to move east.
08/20/2021 04:25PM  
From Facebook-

Greenwood Fire Announcement for Aug 20 at 2:00 pm. The Greenwood Fire jumped over to the west side of Highway 2, just north of Stony Lake. Fire crews and aircraft are responding. The Lake County Sheriff's Department is onsite and evacuating residents. The fire crossed over a point designated as a Management Action Point, triggering evacuations in the Sand Lake and Stony Lake areas. (just N of Stony Lake is getting very close to HWY 1)
Lake County Emergency Management: 773-844-6449
Greenwood Fire Public Information Line: 218-499-9441
Greenwood Fire Phone Line for Media: 614-205-9333
The photos are from the road closure on Highway 1 and a photo of the extreme fire behavior.

distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/20/2021 04:30PM  
WhiteWolf: "From Facebook-

Greenwood Fire Announcement for Aug 20 at 2:00 pm. The Greenwood Fire jumped over to the west side of Highway 2, just north of Stony Lake. Fire crews and aircraft are responding. The Lake County Sheriff's Department is onsite and evacuating residents. The fire crossed over a point designated as a Management Action Point, triggering evacuations in the Sand Lake and Stony Lake areas. (just N of Stony Lake is getting very close to HWY 1)
Lake County Emergency Management: 773-844-6449
Greenwood Fire Public Information Line: 218-499-9441
Greenwood Fire Phone Line for Media: 614-205-9333
The photos are from the road closure on Highway 1 and a photo of the extreme fire behavior.


The update reports are also available at

Greenwood Fire
08/20/2021 04:38PM  
That picture on the left looks like that is where it crossed the highway with huge flames.
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/20/2021 05:11PM  
Oh my those flames are huge. I'm praying for rain
08/20/2021 07:36PM  
08/20/2021 08:21PM  
8215 acres now.
08/20/2021 08:27PM  
WhiteWolf: "8215 acres now. "

I think it took off this afternoon. Scary with pictures of fire and firefighters right next to a house-cabin?

One site said maybe 1 inch there at 1 am. Others-almost nothing. I am sure you been watching radar-patterns?
distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/20/2021 09:10PM  
Yeah thanks, I did pull up google maps after I posted that and saw the big pines were south on Hwy 2 a ways. It's doubled in size in a day or two though? Not a good sign
08/20/2021 10:01PM  
It's incredible how much and how fast this one has spread even with all the suppression efforts out there.
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/20/2021 10:18PM  
Here’s an extrapolated NWS forecast for a point just east of Isabella Lake. This thing is about to get real ugly:

08/20/2021 10:26PM  
^^-- those are excellent to use.^^ I highly recommend them.

They can be found by going to your point and click location-- here is the approx location of the John EK fire- forecast's point and click.


Than scroll down and on the right under "Additional Resources" will be "Hourly Weather Forecasts"--

they are updated at a min 4 times a day.
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 06:16AM  
Ely Municipal Airport recorded 0.02 inches of rain overnight. It’s 15 miles from this fire.
distinguished member (458)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 08:45AM  

Two reports of 24-hr rainfall amounts as of 7 am this morning: 0.11 inches at 4.4 mi N of Babbitt and 0.15 in at 6.0 mi NW of Ely on the CoCoRaHS Network.

CoCoRaHS 24 hr precip map
member (39)member
08/21/2021 09:06AM  
Good map from the National Weather Service here. Sounds like the Greenwood fire didn't get much.
08/21/2021 06:01PM  

This photo is from the west end of Birch Lake closest to Babbitt looking east.
08/21/2021 08:10PM  
PJ: "
This photo is from the west end of Birch Lake closest to Babbitt looking east. "

looks very windy
08/22/2021 06:03AM  
Pinetree: "
PJ: "
This photo is from the west end of Birch Lake closest to Babbitt looking east. "

looks very windy"

It was. We spent the week at Timber Bay Lodge. (I highly recommend it.) Temps we’re in the upper 80s to mid 90s. It is so dry up there it is scary.
distinguished member (137)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/22/2021 11:04AM  
PJ: "
Pinetree: "
PJ: "
This photo is from the west end of Birch Lake closest to Babbitt looking east. "

looks very windy"

It was. We spent the week at Timber Bay Lodge. (I highly recommend it.) Temps we’re in the upper 80s to mid 90s. It is so dry up there it is scary. "

We spent a week up there in June...I second the reco. Super cute place, very nice people.
08/27/2021 08:42AM  
It's making national news.
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