BWCA Plan C - Trout Lake Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (18)member
08/18/2021 09:19AM  
After having our EP 16 permit cancelled, and planning a contingency route around Kawishiwi a month ago, Lynn from VNO emailed this morning to let us know that EP 37 is likely to be closed in the next day or two as well, so I'm scrambling trying to plan a new trip today before leaving tomorrow evening for MN. Pretty much the only open EP for our dates is Trout.

Our plan is to be out there for 7 days. Tentative thoughts are that we'd get to Pine on day 1, then head through the chain of lakes to the east entering north crab and heading up to cummings from there. Then either exit burntside or head back through the chain to Trout.

Anyone been up to this area this year and can speak to how passable the rivers and portages along that route are? Any notes on campsite availability in the area? Any solitude to be had? Will we still get to hear loons and owls and all the great sounds that make a BWCA night?
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senior member (64)senior membersenior member
08/18/2021 09:21PM  
Sorry to hear about the successive re-plans. I don’t have any experience with that area, but wish you luck. I am sure someone here has some perspective to lend.
member (14)member
08/19/2021 08:43AM  
We're working on Plan C too - had our LIS north permit canceled for this weekend, and had pulled an EP 37 to replace it. Now with the fire, we're trying to figure out alternate plans if they pull our Kawishiwi Lake permit. Looking at something on the Gunflint side to replace it, if it does get canceled & there's still something open at that point.
08/19/2021 01:44PM  
Been to this area many times, but it has been a few years back. The pine river will be low I am sure. I would go to Chad, Buck, and Western if fishing is a priority! Very underused area of the BWCA, or it used to be. Very seldom see people beyond Trout.
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