BWCA Trip Report - 1st solo Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - 1st solo     



distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/22/2021 11:31AM  
New Trip Report posted by Bearpath9

Trip Name: 1st solo

Entry Point: Lake One (EP 30)

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distinguished member(2140)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/22/2021 11:52AM  
Congratulations on completing your first solo trip. Warning: they can be addictive. I also learned a lot when I took my first solo and made a number of changes for the next ones. At 57, I found that lightening my load was the best favor I could do for myself. It made portaging easier and safer. Hope you have many more solos in your future.
08/22/2021 01:08PM  
Thanks for the report. I always enjoy hearing about first solos. First solos (and second, third, . . . ) are a learning experience. They got easier for me just knowing what to expect, making a few "improvements", and simplifying. It's usually a challenge for me to stay hydrated too.
distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/22/2021 04:19PM  
Thank you for packing out the broken glass. Probably saved a critter from getting cut badly.
An 8x10 tarp would have created nice shade at #1147. I hope you do another solo and the 2nd one feels much easier. You walked into the lake to make a phone call? That's dedicated!
distinguished member(1101)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2021 01:52PM  
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
member (29)member
08/23/2021 05:01PM  
Great trip report! Thanks
senior member (55)senior membersenior member
08/23/2021 06:10PM  
I’m scheduled to begin my first solo on the 8th provided the BW out of moose towards SAK is once again open. I benefited from reading your trip report and guess I need to be prepared to deal with the obstacles that I will surely encounter. I’ve been preparing myself for those obstacles but it sounds like there’s a wide variety that you just can’t anticipate. I’ve got a few years on you and I feel like I’m in very good shape, however the rubber will meet the road that first day as I attack the portages heading over to the isle of pines area. That’s the point where I’ll know for sure how fit I am. Check back in the 3rd or 4th week of September for a possible trip report.
distinguished member (249)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2021 06:46PM  
Congratulations on your first solo!
As others have said, they are addicting.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/24/2021 11:14AM  
mjmkjun: "Thank you for packing out the broken glass. Probably saved a critter from getting cut badly.
An 8x10 tarp would have created nice shade at #1147. I hope you do another solo and the 2nd one feels much easier. You walked into the lake to make a phone call? That's dedicated!"

I generally pick over the ground wherever I stay, even at portages. Given the low water levels, I would guess that the glass had been under water. I don't know if a tarp would have worked there. Those are two very big open spaces. Need a lot of rope. Dedicated ? More like being married for 41 years !
distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/24/2021 11:19AM  
Snorty: "I’m scheduled to begin my first solo on the 8th provided the BW out of moose towards SAK is once again open. I benefited from reading your trip report and guess I need to be prepared to deal with the obstacles that I will surely encounter. I’ve been preparing myself for those obstacles but it sounds like there’s a wide variety that you just can’t anticipate. I’ve got a few years on you and I feel like I’m in very good shape, however the rubber will meet the road that first day as I attack the portages heading over to the isle of pines area. That’s the point where I’ll know for sure how fit I am. Check back in the 3rd or 4th week of September for a possible trip report. "

Another thing I learned was be flexible, don't get your mind set in stone. That is probably why I wasted so much time trying to find that channel.

I hiked at a local park for a year, all seasons, kind of rough ground, about 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 miles a day to get the legs in shape, and a month before I went, I loaded the pack with about 25 lbs. of gear and walked around the neighborhood park for about a mile. It sure helped, but it was on level ground for the most part. Definitely not portage terrain. My fully loaded pack came in at about 48 lbs. I am going to try to reduce it to under 45, or less.

Good luck on re-opening and I will look for your report.
08/24/2021 09:17PM  
Good report! I especially enjoyed the part where you were in knee-deep water to get cell service. Classic!
distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/07/2021 07:01PM  
Bearpath9: "
mjmkjun: "Thank you for packing out the broken glass. Probably saved a critter from getting cut badly.
An 8x10 tarp would have created nice shade at #1147. I hope you do another solo and the 2nd one feels much easier. You walked into the lake to make a phone call? That's dedicated!"

I generally pick over the ground wherever I stay, even at portages. Given the low water levels, I would guess that the glass had been under water. I don't know if a tarp would have worked there. Those are two very big open spaces. Need a lot of rope. Dedicated ? More like being married for 41 years !"

When the sun is beating down hard like that or it's pouring, a centerpole w/4 staked corners is a blessing. This
Hope you can make the next trip with your son. The years. They do fly by after 50ish, it seems.
10/19/2021 08:23PM  
Nice report, solo is a great way to go. You learn something new each time. As I have aged I now have to triple portage. That's right; three trips over and two two back every time. I walk several times a week year round so the distance isn't the problem, its the weight.
Knee deep in the lake to call your wife is a true sign of devotion. Probably scored some brownie points too.
Counting the days until I get to solo again. Hope you are too.
distinguished member(940)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/22/2022 09:15PM  
I enjoyed the report, thanks for taking the time to type it in.
distinguished member(1480)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/06/2022 11:47PM  
Nice report, BearPath. Glad you were able to get rehydrated and thankfully the rangers were understanding. Sounds like you had some luck fishing but pretty slow. Hopefully you took some pics of the smoky sunsets. Thanks for sharing your trip report!
03/10/2022 12:43AM  
Good read! Thanks for sharing. I've always enjoyed my conversations with the rangers, always different circumstances when we run into them.
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