BWCA Permit pickup for LIS North (EP14) Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Permit pickup for LIS North (EP14)     
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member (15)member
09/07/2021 08:01PM  

Is there anywhere closer to the EP to pickup permits? I've never been to this part of the BWCA, and have always gotten permit in Ely, or outfitter to the east. I know it's around an hour drive from town to that EP, and will be coming in from the west, so I was hoping something would work better.

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distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/07/2021 08:39PM  
Looking @ the cooperator list on it says Anderson's at Crane lake is one.

Also the La Croix ranger station is right on Hwy 53 but check hours and weekends especially near Cook MN.

Also the Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry near Cook.
senior member (81)senior membersenior member
09/08/2021 08:50AM  
When our group entered at LIS North we rented canoes and got our permit from Big Lake Wilderness Lodge, which is very close to that entry point.
09/08/2021 09:15AM  
BigOarDeal: "When our group entered at LIS North we rented canoes and got our permit from Big Lake Wilderness Lodge, which is very close to that entry point. "

That's one I haven't used and hadn't thought of. That's far more convenient if you're coming in from the west. Andersen's is a good option but you would still have to drive north (from the turnoff to the Echo Trail) to pick up the permit. It would be interesting to compare the mileage and see which is closer.

distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/08/2021 01:03PM  
If you use the ranger station you don't add any mileage necessarily
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