BWCA Looking for a Partner Boundary Waters Group Forum: Trip Partner Finder
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Trip Partner Finder
      Looking for a Partner     



09/29/2021 08:50AM  
Hi...Anyone planning to do a canoe trip in Boundary Waters? - 2 - 3 days or so? I am a newbie with camping,

I looked at various guided canoe trips and the prices for a single person (for 3 days) are like $1500 plus.

If there is any group that is going this September/ October, would love to tag along, that gets the price down significantly. Be it with a guide or unguided.
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distinguished member(3694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/30/2021 03:48PM  
It's getting pretty late in the season for me to get out again, but if you try again in the spring I like introducing folks yo the bwca.
10/03/2021 01:18PM  
distinguished member(801)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/18/2022 09:36AM  
senior member (82)senior membersenior member
05/17/2022 11:37AM  
Hi Jess,
Since my earlier plans to BW trip this month were foiled for family reasons, I am still open to going. If a permit may be had for June, I would like to take you up on your offer for a few days on the water.
Message me on my personal email if you’d like to discuss the possibility of us going for a few days.
member (27)member
05/22/2022 09:46PM  
Looking for a 4th. June 17 2022, Mudro to Crooked. Reply and we can chat on phone live if interested.
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