BWCA EP14 or EP26 info Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/18/2021 11:15AM  
Looking at both of these for a 5 night solo. Mainly interested in conditions from last year with the low water levels, but will gladly accept all info, comments and advice.
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12/19/2021 05:38AM  
We didn't have any issues out of 14 last July. Easy going all the way to Slim and through Beartrack Lakes, Pocket Creek and down to Gebe and Oyster. Cut back across through Lynx and Shell and out LIS. No problems with water level at all.
distinguished member(4173)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/21/2021 12:28PM  
EP14 is usually pretty good at keeping enough water to get through. No experience with EP26.
senior member (81)senior membersenior member
12/21/2021 01:55PM  
EP 14 was all good last year early June. I'd be more concerned about the Moose River from EP16 and Horse River from EP23 as far as water levels go in the area.

We made it to Lynx from EP14 with no issues, getting off the water for lunch. A lot of occupied sites until we got to Lynx on a Sunday launch of Memorial Day Weekend. Long portages into Hustler made it more vacant too.
distinguished member(638)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/01/2022 08:31PM  
We did EP 14-Hustler in mid June this past year. Water levels were good, only a few hairy spots as you get into the paunesses. From my experience in August 2018 it was very shallow and reedy in many spots. It was a lot of work to push yourself through all the grasses. I'd say the earlier you go in the summer the better.
distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/02/2022 12:16PM  
Looking at mid-August to go in, probably up to Hoist Bay and back. Thanks for all the comments.
01/06/2022 10:14AM  
I'd pick 14; water levels as others have said should not be a concern. Some cool lakes and topography up that way, especially the lakes south of LLC.
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